In order to become a good web developer (Not designer) , Here is a list of languages to learn.
1. HTML(Hyper Text MarkUp Language) - This is the basis for any website . But it can't do many things . Mainly used for links, lists, tables(rarely used now a days),Text manipulation and some more basic tasks nothing dynamic.
2. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) - This is developed to easily edit the structure of the site and maintain uniformity in all the sites pages. This has evolved quite a lot form its first version and can do things like , Drop Down menus,Rollovers, text manipulation , site background and many other things which are complex than what HTML can do. This is a very important basic to write visually good sites.
3. (Optional) Javascript :- This is quite different form Sun Microsystems JAVA and has no resemblance to it and quite simple compared to it. With javascript complex animations like slides , fades and a few more can be done. But its all fancy stuff and there are many opensource projects that we can just pop them into any project and use . So Not a real necessity but it helps. This can be extended by leaning the most popular jQuery & AJAX also.
From here onwards there are many options JSP(Java Server Pages),Perl ,Python,Ruby,PHP,Oracle DB,MySql,.NET........ i am going with the most popular thing.
4. PHP ( Personal Home Page(Peviously) , Hypertext PreProcessor (Now) )- Most popular web programming lanugage supported by 100% Web hosts. Can do LOTS and LOTS of stuff , it contains almost all the features of a programming language .variables , arrays, functions,loops, If else statements . It can also do Read ,write Operations & Lots more stuff on a dedicated server.
5. MySQL(Structured Query Language) is a programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). PHP seamlessly integrates into MySQL.
->So how does all these work together?
First we write a Query in SQL to retrieve some data from the database . Then PHP is used to loop through that data and output it as plain text. Then the obtained data is displayed using a mixture of HTML,CSS & Javascript in a user friendly way.
->What can you do with the above knowledge?
Well if you have learned All the concepts of all the languages you can do anything but for starters You can just code a simple site that uses database.
->What Next?
Now comes the Frameworks that give a base to code a strong site . They remove the need of reinventing the wheel everything and more time for accomplishing the task. Ex:- Codeigniter,Kohana etc....
Frameworks Clearly divide the project into 3 Parts - Model , View , Controller. This is called MVC .
Model contains all the database interactions.
View consists of all the visual coding HTML,CSS,Javascript....
Controller connects both model and view and outputs the file to the user.
This enables us to use the same model of different views and the vice versa. Apart from this carrying variables from page to page becomes easier. No need of coding the database name,password for every page. Routing the URL's can be done. There are many helpers that can do a variety of tasks easier like form validation , file uploading, captcha and much more. Mainly it reduces the load of testing each and every link on the site. The site becomes consistent .
->Will add links to good resources to learn soon.Will try to write some more on frameworks afterwards. W3Schools is a good start for anything .......
1. HTML(Hyper Text MarkUp Language) - This is the basis for any website . But it can't do many things . Mainly used for links, lists, tables(rarely used now a days),Text manipulation and some more basic tasks nothing dynamic.
2. CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) - This is developed to easily edit the structure of the site and maintain uniformity in all the sites pages. This has evolved quite a lot form its first version and can do things like , Drop Down menus,Rollovers, text manipulation , site background and many other things which are complex than what HTML can do. This is a very important basic to write visually good sites.
3. (Optional) Javascript :- This is quite different form Sun Microsystems JAVA and has no resemblance to it and quite simple compared to it. With javascript complex animations like slides , fades and a few more can be done. But its all fancy stuff and there are many opensource projects that we can just pop them into any project and use . So Not a real necessity but it helps. This can be extended by leaning the most popular jQuery & AJAX also.
From here onwards there are many options JSP(Java Server Pages),Perl ,Python,Ruby,PHP,Oracle DB,MySql,.NET........ i am going with the most popular thing.
4. PHP ( Personal Home Page(Peviously) , Hypertext PreProcessor (Now) )- Most popular web programming lanugage supported by 100% Web hosts. Can do LOTS and LOTS of stuff , it contains almost all the features of a programming language .variables , arrays, functions,loops, If else statements . It can also do Read ,write Operations & Lots more stuff on a dedicated server.
5. MySQL(Structured Query Language) is a programming language designed for managing data in relational database management systems (RDBMS). PHP seamlessly integrates into MySQL.
->So how does all these work together?
First we write a Query in SQL to retrieve some data from the database . Then PHP is used to loop through that data and output it as plain text. Then the obtained data is displayed using a mixture of HTML,CSS & Javascript in a user friendly way.
->What can you do with the above knowledge?
Well if you have learned All the concepts of all the languages you can do anything but for starters You can just code a simple site that uses database.
->What Next?
Now comes the Frameworks that give a base to code a strong site . They remove the need of reinventing the wheel everything and more time for accomplishing the task. Ex:- Codeigniter,Kohana etc....
Frameworks Clearly divide the project into 3 Parts - Model , View , Controller. This is called MVC .
Model contains all the database interactions.
View consists of all the visual coding HTML,CSS,Javascript....
Controller connects both model and view and outputs the file to the user.
This enables us to use the same model of different views and the vice versa. Apart from this carrying variables from page to page becomes easier. No need of coding the database name,password for every page. Routing the URL's can be done. There are many helpers that can do a variety of tasks easier like form validation , file uploading, captcha and much more. Mainly it reduces the load of testing each and every link on the site. The site becomes consistent .
->Will add links to good resources to learn soon.Will try to write some more on frameworks afterwards. W3Schools is a good start for anything .......