Paypal credit/debit card verification!! Help!!

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What is with pvt. banks these days? I called up a kotak branch and told him i wanted an account, The representative told me he'll be at my recidense within 20mins, Later he called me to ask directions and i told him, in the mean while he told me to keep the check ready and I told him i want a no-frills account and he disappears!
^^ i bet u can't get a no-frills account even if u visit their branch personally.. Representative coming to ur residence to open a nofrills is out of question..:hap5:
though u can try asking their Hunsimaranahalli(rural) Branch near airport, ur frm b'lore i guess..
Yes, try for a No Frills account from a Rural or Semi Urban Branch. I got mine from a HDFC semi urban branch about a year or two back. :)
devilsmind said:
^^ i bet u can't get a no-frills account even if u visit their branch personally.. Representative coming to ur residence to open a nofrills is out of question..:hap5:
though u can try asking their Hunsimaranahalli(rural) Branch near airport, ur frm b'lore i guess..

Yes i stay in Bangalore, I dont need an account now coz paypal is linked to my icici branchfree VCC.+ i have an SBI savings a/c with 1000rs. minimum Balance.
Would like SBI more if they start showing complete POS details on the statement, all that shows on the statement are some stupid long numbers :@
vivekgodgift told me SBI is currently working on displaying POS details on statements. I hope the sarkaari bank doesn't take a decade to get it working.

I have Axis bank debit card(visa), is it possible to verify paypal account with it? If yes, wts the procedure?.....pls....reply
Sorry for bumping a 2 year old thread. I need to buy something from a site which requires me to have a Paypal A/C.

Have things changed over the past year? Can I use my State Bank Cash Plus Debit-ATM card (Maestro Apporved) to verify my Paypal account?

Any other recommendation/solution?
Thanks for the quick reply varkey. So how do I add $$$ in my paypal account?

I was wondering. Could I NEFT a friend (who has a working PP A/C) the money and then that friend transfer the money from his PP A/C back to me in my PP A/C?
There is no need to actually add funds to your account and it is not possible even if you have a working credit card unless you ask some other person to send it to you.

It would be better if you just ask your friend to make the payment on your behalf unless your friend already has Paypal funds in his account.
Any brave TE member willing to help me out?

I'll NEFT the required amount and that person could buy it for me (hopefully). Its only 16$ worth of purchases from DealExtreme btw ... :)
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