PC Gamer readers' Top 100 games of all time

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Falcon 4.0 almost made me wet my pantz. I still practice landing the F-16...lol. Best game evar. I have my hands full with video gamez and pr0n so I can't be assed about trying eve online on. But it seems more of those niche planetside type of mmog's that only Euro dudes like, lol.
I actually attempted printing out the 600 page manual on my home printer, lol.
Managed 50 or so pages too.

Now I just stick to FreeSpace 2 whenever I feel the dogfighting itch.
Falcon 4.0 is too realistic to be much fun. Its like silent hunter, you can play it once in a while when you feel all serious and shit.

A few missions and then you'll get back to trolling trade chat in wow or running amok with the noobtube in bad company 2..lol
Maya2009 said:
Battlefield BC2 not in top 5................bad list


This should be poll based. If that is the case, Im not surprised.
l33t_5n1p3r_max said:
Falcon 4.0 is too realistic to be much fun. Its like silent hunter, you can play it once in a while when you feel all serious and shit.
I disagree.
If one has the time and money to invest in the steep learning curve and a top of the line HOTAS, it's mindboggling just how much fun people have with these ultra-realistic sims.
They have actual real-life ATC monitoring their virtual skies and shit like which the mainstream gamer junta can't even begin to wrap their heads around.

Unfortunately, the price of admission is threefold - intellect, money and time. Lots of it.
How do they compare games ? Time makes a lot of difference. What was the best in 2000 may not even be in the Top 10 in 2010 (unless you get nostalgic and remember how much time you spent on the now 'vintage' game :tongue:)

Given that perspective this list is trash. And if not, its an even bigger one.

To each gamer his own........
The list is pretty accurate in my game taste, except it misses Diablo 2, AOE2, Mass effect, and the Civilization series in top 20...

Deus Ex, was simply awesome... Fallout 3 is the best game I have played in recent times..

Far Cry was a very mediocre according to me so was Crysis apart from visuals.
What about Mario :P Its a game right?..hell,not even a single indie game in the list..or am i missing something?..
I am surprised to see that Mafia absent in Top 10, I am sure this game deserves a spot in Top 10.

Not sure what CoD:MW 2 is doing in 6th position.
^^if games were categorized on business basis then that entire list will change.:D

infact modernwarfare 1 was better storywise than mw2.
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