PC Gaming Market Worth $11 BillionThe PC Gaming Alliance presented a report, or, if you will, an overview of the PC gaming market, highlighting the platform's annual revenue of approximately $11 billion. “The biggest story in PC games is the expansion beyond retail,†said Randy Stude, president of PCGA. “PC games have successfully pioneered online subscription and distribution models that have resulted in a global boom that shows no signs of slowing. Despite the advances of the likes of Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network, the online platform that remains the most accessible and robust worldwide is the PC.â€
According to the report, 2008 marked the growth of online digital distribution through services such as Steam, the growth of free games with a virtual item model and the increased presence of game cards at major retailers like 7-Eleven.
MMOGs were, of course, singled out as chief products for both revenue and profits. Several Asian MMOGs are making over $100 million in annual revenue after 5+ years on the market. Blizzard Entertainment's WoW producing over $1 billion in annual revenue. Two more examples were given for 2008 - namely subscription MMOGs Age of Conan and Warhammer Online, both of which sold over 1 million units at retail.
Egg on the face of m0r0ns who claim 'PC gaming is dead'