CPU/Mobo PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Sector

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Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Update bios of motherboard or reset cmos if not then RMA time for motherboard.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

why do u say its a mobo issue?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Because you say all your peripherals are working fine . If they are working fine that is hard disk ram and power supply then what do you think is left to give you problems
Try your pc using friends power supply etc. That is only left i guess
By the way did you reset your cmos?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

nope. will do it this evening. :(
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Test all your hard drives and RAM at a friend's place. If they are fine, your board is screwed essentially.

Btw how did you test memtest? Did you test each stick individually?
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

Only 1 HDD and 1 RAM stick is in the mobo now... :(

and yeas checked the only ram stick in memtest.

Hmmm... the mobo is under warranty.

but for last 2 days.. no issues...this is ridiculous.
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto

So its the ram.to confirm swap the other stick to see if it hangs or not
Re: URGENT : PC HANGS/Wont Start Proper/One HDD Makes Click/One HDD Reports Bad Secto


Only 1 RAM stick ever mate... no other one.. what made u think that?
no because you said that with 1 ram stick you have no problem till 2 days. so i suggested to try with the other single ram if problem persists.

On the same ram stick i dont have a pblm for last 2 days. no configuration changes done.
I have something to ask..

Could this be a pure power pblm?

I did say in the main post that right before the PC hang up's, if the speaker is turned on. it will make weird noises.

Well last day I was playing on my ps3. and i heard the exact same noise from the speakers. the voltage was acting weird.

the lights and fans were dimming and slowing down and all...

could this power thing lead to a PC hanging?. and no issues with PC hardware at all?.

But sometimes the speaker noise and PC hangups do happen simultaneous also. :S


No idea mate.. till now no acting up. I dont turn my PC on in evenings much. only on day time. and its ok.

the voltage acts up often in evenings. and sometimes during daytime.
Then this might be a case of voltage fluctuations. But i think your ups should take care of that problem.
I may not be sure but have you checked your power supply with that of your friends? The psu might have problems .try some other psu and report back.
will do in 3 days. moving to our new house. new power also. :)

well the el cheapo ones had no issues.
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