Security Software Pc infected with runouce.exe


Level G
My PC is infected wih runouce.exe virus..
And it has ben spreaded all over my HDD
and readme.eml file is also spreaded..
Had used avast antiirus & spyware program.. But it doesnot works..
@mrintech, the link you have given links to this in the references section:
runonce.exe is the Microsoft Run Once wrapper. It is used by the installation programs for third party applications. It allows the installation program to startup again after boot up to give the user the possibility to make further configurations. This process should not be removed to ensure that programs are installed correctly on your system.
This is what the OP was asking about.

@OP, Since the damage is already done, you might trying a repair install or a fresh install. Don't access any of the partitions after the repair/re-install before installing some AV. Since Avast has already let you down by letting your system get infected, try Avira or AVG (free) or Eset (paid but a trial is available). Do a complete scan of all drives after updating your AV.

Next time you have any problems with infections in spite of an installed AV, Malware Bytes Anti Malware has always given me good results in cleaning up. It would also be a good idea to google for more info. 99% of all infections are easily dealt with and removal instructions are spread all over the net. A post in forums would help if conventional methods haven't worked or you're having trouble following any published work around.

Btw, I'd recommend Eset over KIS if you do go for a paid solution. I'm in the service industry (kind of) and I clean dozens of machines every month. Eset has always worked out fine. KIS/ AVG etc. have quite high instances of false positives than Eset which does make my work difficult (customers complaining that their cracked software are no longer working :P)
i am using windows 7...
I have search for readme.eml file in my computer and i got more than 900 file..
Every time i delete the file it creates again...
Do fresh install, if problem still persists run ComboFix!:@

Soyab0007 said:
i am using windows 7...

I have search for readme.eml file in my computer and i got more than 900 file..

Every time i delete the file it creates again...
Soyab0007 said:
i am using windows 7...
I have search for readme.eml file in my computer and i got more than 900 file..
Every time i delete the file it creates again...

Try to Execute (Combofix.exe) and let me know ....