PC Peripherals PC more or less dead


This is my config:
Biostar TA790GX 128M
Radeon 4850
2GB Corsair DDR2 800 RAM

My PC keeps shutting off. I was playing a game, and it suddenly blue screened. After that every time I started it, it used to reach windows and then restart.
A little while later, it doesn't even get into windows now. Just shuts off before it can even load windows.

Pretty sure it's a motherboard issue. The LEDs on the board keep blinking (they've never done that). I have tried removing each stick of RAM and the GFX card also. Nothing works. Any suggestions?

And how is the Biostar RMA?

remove and connect cables properly..-->hard disk cables,including sata,,the psu cables,,graphic card etc etc

then remove ur ram and graphic card from mobo then fix it properly

then switch on-->go to bios-->load default settings

then format using setup diskand install new windows (don't do a quick format)...
Yeah... Power was the other thing that came to mind. Will try my old PSU without plugging in the 4850. See how that goes and report back.

The windows install is not the problem. Half the time the system won't even get to loading windows. Before the problem occurred, the system was completely fine (i.e. virus/adware free). I have already tried resetting the BIOS. Have loaded the defaults from the BIOS also, and have reset the BIOS by shorting the correct pins on the Mobo as well. Have tried reconnecting all cables.
Any ideas?

And again, any info on Biostar RMA experience?
You mentioned that half the time it wont even go to windows or if it goes it would restart. You also mentioned about the blue screen error.

Mostly it could be a PSU. But this also indicates issues with thermal in the system. Check if your Graphics card is getting too much heated? Check if your proccy is getting too much heated?

If at all you get into windows, go in event viewer and under system logs check what was the blue screen error generated.
oh ok .then change the psu....anyway u need sufficient power to run 4850 and the whole system

did u buy this system from any shop???if so contact them immediately ...