CPU/Mobo PC Not Powering Up, No Light on Motherboard Power-button

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4 seconds, inhale; 4 seconds, exhale.
Hello everyone!

sorry if this has been brought up before.
i kept my PC ON for downloads the night before, and found today that its OFF, and now it won't turn ON. no beeps, nothing. all cables are secured at their connections. the LED-light on the motherboard power-switch also doesn't light up, even after being connected to the power-source. please suggest what could be the underlying issue, and how to sort it out. i read about shorting the power-button and cleaning CMOS memory, but thought to better get suggestions from the forum instead first.

the motherboard is asus p8z68 v-pro.
psu is corsair tx850
ram is gskill ripjawsx 4gb x 2
gpu is msi gtx 580 lightning

please advise.
1. Disconnect PCIe power cable from the video card

2. Disconnect aux 12V cable from motherboard

3. Disconnect the ATX power connector from the motherboard.

Unplug power connectors from all hard drives. You can leave optical drives and fans connected.

Now hotwire the power supply and see if it turns on, and that any devices still connected to it (lights etc) work. Fans connected to motherboard will obviously not turn on. You need a paper clip bent into shape, and insert one end in the green wire of the ATX connector, and the other in the black end.

There are pretty much only two possibilities if the standby LED on the motherboard is off (which you haven't mentioned). A dead PSU (not turning on above) or a dead motherboard (if the PSU does turn on).
thanks cranky!!

but am extremely sorry to have bothered you and others! i had glanced over this page y'day, but then didn't pay much heed to it at that time, in preparation for retiring to the bed. had a little tough time finding this page again, but when i found it again now, read a little, and the problem was solved in a second! it was - the power-switch on the back of the PSU was OFF! :eek: :oops:
this thing never occured to me. infact, the switch wasn't existent in my memory itself! anyway, let this be a lesson for other neophytes too, to first do a good external inspection in such cases. BTW, how could it've turned to the OFF position? a trip?
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