PC remote

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I want something that can be used to control media players on windows 7. I've read up on the MCE/PC IR remotes (which don't seem to be available locally) and the Logitech harmony series. Are there any vfm products which serve the purpose(ideally looking under 1k) as I don't need the extra functionality of multiple configurations etc. Play/pause/ff/seek is all I really need. Any suggestions?

Something like this; http://www.ebay.in/itm/Multimedia-I...7?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_203&hash=item4aaf059595

though I'd rather go with a branded product with good warranty as battery/kepyads aren't the greatest with the local makes.
If you have an android phone you can use that as a remote.Pay 1.5 k and you can get good quality MCE remotes.I have used the product given in the link and was pretty satisfied with its performance.Best option is going for Logitech harmony if you have the money
Get a wireless mouse, handy and cheap solution! And control, not just the media player, but the overall PC... ;)
I used to use Salling Click on my old Sony Ericsson phone. It did exactly what you wanted done back then and all through Bluetooth.
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