PC Peripherals PC restarts at power outage only on Windows 8

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MCITP 2008
Hey guys i have this weird problem i have notice, when there is a power outage at my place, my computer (config in my signature) which on APC Backup Pro 1500 restarts / turns off and back on but the applications that was left open would still be open.

I just had a power outage in my area around 2 pm, i was watching supernatural & had Chrome open. the Power went out, and on my computer i got the Windows 8 please wait screen, then the BIOS logo (like its restarting / cold boot) then got the login screen, i logged in & the applications were still running.

I don't know much indepth settings of Windows 8 yet, I tried the power options etc and it all seems normal. Is there anything i need to do in BIOS? ASUS had launch a separate BIOS update for Windows 8 may be that changed something i don't know? but this never happened when i was on Windows 7.

Any Ideas?
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