Monitors PC starts but monitor does not need help

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hey guys ive been getting this problem from a few days my pc starts properly but monitor is on standby mode showing orange me if anyone has experienced similar problem.

Ill try connecting other pc to my monitor today lets see if that works.
it could be because of some bad ram sticks. If you have more than 1 ram sticks installed then the mobo wont give any beep and your monitor will not have any display.

As suggested connect the monitor to other computer and if it works fine, then the culprit is the RAM in your system
yup ty ill do that ....but this problem is not consistent if i start my pc today evening and monitor doesnt work then tomm morning it will start ..i really cant pin point the problem.
that is what... it may not happen consistently... if you switch off and switch on the system the monitor will come to life... this is the problem created by bad ram stick for sure.....
tried removing ram and stuff but still no progress and i cant hear any beep too....i dont have a speaker in my cabinet but my engineer says new mobos have it inbuilt..i have a p5Q mobo.i guess the problem is with my mobo?
i tried connecting my xbox to my monitor it worked fine...ill try swapping rams lets see how that goes.
dude how is ur monitor it connected thro the graphics card suggestion is
1)remove the graphics card (if you have),clean the fan and slot it properly into the slot
2)remove the ram sticks one by one and then slot them in.remove them for about a minute or so and then insert them.
3)is your power supply failing?Is it able to bear the monitors power.just check it out.

i dont think your monitor is at fault.either of these three might be at fault.

yup ill chck if my power supply is at fault ill try these steps...power supply might be at fault i can hear somethng (like a noise of electric current) where my power cord is connected.
Guys i checked everythng now the problem is either my gfx card or power getting the normal post beeps which you are suppose to get pc is starting properly.

Ill chck my gfx card and power supply today.
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