0-20k PC Upgrade for 1080p Gaming

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  1. What is your budget?
    • 15K for upgrade (50K for new build if absolutely required)
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 940
    • Motherboard - Biostar TA790GXB A2+
    • GPU - Saphire ATI 4850 512MB
    • RAM - Gskill 2X2GB PC6400
    • Monitor - Benq G2420
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • Cabinet - Zebronics Lava
    • HDD - 2 x 500GB
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - AMD Phenom II X4 940
    • Motherboard - Biostar TA790GXB A2+
    • RAM - Gskill 2X2GB PC6400
    • Monitor - Benq G2420
    • PSU - Corsair VX450
    • HDD - 2 x 500GB
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU Cooler - CM Hyper TX3 EVO
    • GPU - GTX 750 TI
    • Cabinet - Corsair Spec 01
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • No, will build a new system 15-18 months from now
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Mumbai
    • Open to online purchase
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Gaming
    • Browsing & Youtube
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • No
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • Strategy - Civilization Series, Simcity, Tropico
    • GTA 5, Don Bradman Cricket, AC4, NBA
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - 1920x1080
    2. Desktop - 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • Yes to reduce CPU bottlenecking the new GPU
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 8.1 64 bit
Hey guys, posting after a long time. :)

The situation

I'm no longer a hardcore gamer and only play occasionally that too strategy and sports games.

I've been following Don Bradman Cricket for over a year and it's finally releasing next week so I'm about to pre order it. Meanwhile wanted to sort out my PC first to ensure that I've the best gaming experience. I'm also looking forward to GTA 5 later this year.

Since I hardly get any time these days to game, I thought of spending minimal amount to get my current PC going for a year or so before I rebuild a new rig, as this is serving me really well for everything other than gaming with full eye candy.

Issue is my CPU temps are reaching 75-80c pretty easily on moderate loads (the CPU is rated for a max temp of 62C) and I think my silly cabinet is to blame due to pathetic airflow and being around 5 yrs old, the thermal paste may have pretty much vanished.

My idea was to buy a CM Hyper TX3 and OC the CPU to around 3.4-3.5, get a decent cabinet like Corsair Spec 01 for better air flow and after monitoring the situation in games, can get a GTX 750 Ti if required, as it's a power sipper. I can reuse the cooler and cabinet for my next build as well if possible.

I'll only be spending a handful hours a week gaming due to work and other commitments and this is the reason I'm not leaning towards building a new PC right away.

I want your help to know if this idea makes sense or should I be going for a full upgrade. How much will my CPU bottleneck a GTX 750 Ti? Will this combo handle most games at medium-high settings on 1080p for a year?
Yeah, upgrading will be a better decision if you don;t spend much time gaming.

Cooler Master Hyper 212X (2770)
Asus GTX 750 TI 2GB OC Edition (11800)
CM Spec 1 (3300)

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Thanks mate!

How about Cooler Master Hyper TX3 Evo, which I think comes for around 1.5k? The Hyper 212X looks massive hence asking, as I've never used a cooler before, a little apprehensive to install such a monster.
My current case is crappy and it has side mounted fans too so I don't think it'll fit in anyway.

However, since I'm going for Corsair Spec 01, looking at the specs, it says it can fit in coolers upto 150mm in height. The 212X EVO is around 158mm and the TX3 around 136 mm.

Since I'm looking for moderate overclocking, was looking at TX3 since it isn't that large too.
My current case is crappy and it has side mounted fans too so I don't think it'll fit in anyway.

However, since I'm going for Corsair Spec 01, looking at the specs, it says it can fit in coolers upto 150mm in height. The 212X EVO is around 158mm and the TX3 around 136 mm.

Since I'm looking for moderate overclocking, was looking at TX3 since it isn't that large too.

Yeah, Spec 01 and TX3 will do.
Also you can go for Zotac 660 2GB this easily beats 750ti and suits well with you're VX450 plus it'll be future-proof performance GPU for next gen gaming like GTA 5 or AC4.
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