PC World has come to India

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Hi Guys

Just saw PC World on the News Stalls on the Railway Platform.

I know its a long time it has come here but wanted to mention here abt it.

I have read the UK Edition of PC World in British Council Library and believe

me Chip and Digit were no comparo to the UK Edition of PCW.

Hoping that the India Edition of PCW will be gr8 will be picking one tommorow.

This months mag has FC 6 Bundled with it.

And didnt find Chip and Digit on the stall so will be picking PCW tommorow.

PCW India Site:- PC World India: Home

PCW UK Site:- PC World India: Home

Just check those 2 sites.
yeah, I collect PC world, its main focuses are softwares, internet and hardware reviews (Mobos and GFX)...

Much different than digit.
yup! its faaar better than digit or for that matter chip (but only b'cos they get the latest and greatest stuff).

but no mag can beat the internet.
PC world is issues here for 3 months from what i remember. I got the latest issue and i can say its pretty much rip off of UK version but little late here.

Its ok as i used to purchase UK version here from Matunga anyway. and it used to cost more than this ;)

So its good quality material.
Quad Master said:
I have read the UK Edition of PC World in British Council Library and believe

me Chip and Digit were no comparo to the UK Edition of PCW.

Totally agree with you. British council also had some other tech mags, forgot their names :(

Btw quad both links point to pcworld.in
Hacker said:
Totally agree with you. British council also had some other tech mags, forgot their names :(

Btw quad both links point to pcworld.in

Oops my mistake.

UK Link:- PC World - Software, Hardware, Electronics & Gadgets Reviews, Downloads, How-To's & Pricing

Mods Please edit the link in the first post.

I have seen PC World and Personal Computing World

Link:- Personal Computer World - Technology tested! For daily news, reviews and blogs you can trust

These were the 2 Tech mags thats were also available in BCL.

@ Funky - Where in matunga did u get the UK edition , didnt knew that it was
available in India.

But now that PC World has come to India there will be more competion between Chip , Digit & PC World.
i had bought their october or november issue ..pretty decent ...far better than digit and chip ...but layout was cluttered and the articles were too long.
@Quad. There is very small ( almost like raddi wala) shop near then Matunga flyover square. Near the Karnataki hall.

Here is google earth image. That place dont only stock the PC world but many foreign publication magazines.

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