Pdf to Word convertor??

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which is the best pdf to word convertor which will keep intact the formatting of PDF file when converted to Word file...
plz suggest..
there is already a thread for this topic.... u could have just searched for it instead.

I would recommend Scansoft softwares for working with pdf files looking at its perfomance only thing is its not freeware. You can try nitropdf + pdfhammer and also zamzar.com (web applications).
vishnuhost said:
If we can post cracked softwares here, I can assist you. PM me for quick replies.

Discussing about illegal softwarez and cracks is strictly prohibited in this forum. Please restrain yourself from any such discussions.
you can also check out abc amber, they have some of the best text converters for all different kinds. ebooks to pdf, html to word etc... etc.
terminater said:
BUT I AM NOT able to edit the file after converting it to word.. plz suggest

Try to convert the file from the link i mentioned in the previous post.It works perfectly for me.
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