Pencil for SAT

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Figuring stuff out
This may well be the most "unsual" question but I want to know what are number two pencils that I am supposed to have for the SAT test, I mean the numbering system for pencils in india is B,HB,2B,3B..... so how do I know which one of them corresponds to the number2 pencil that the collegeboard accepts.......(i guess it could be 2B)

need quick answers guys....

see u around.....
come on man, i tried gogling, but couldn't find much......india is not so prominent online yet...... so i thought some of the guys here would be the best source...
do not worry so much about the pencil.
actually they mean - 'do not bring those pen like pencils'
^^ lol i was thinking on the same lines, but crazy_eddy's link makes it all clear...... i didn't know that idian standards are the same as the english standards, although i now think i whould have guessed......

tnxfor all the help though.....:hap2:
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