Storage Solutions Pendrives in Bangalore, 1 GB or less

Nobody sells 1 GB or 512 MB pendrives anymore? :( You'd think they'd be available for a much lower price than the 2 GB ones that are available everywhere. Does anybody know where you can get the smaller capacity pendrives in Bangalore? I want to make them bootable and install various tools on them.

I tried SP Road. All the shops here seem to sell the same stuff. In fact, it looks like they all call up the same warehouse to find out what's available. They have only 2 GB or above.
The price remains same, but the capacity keeps on increasing by a factor of 2.

I suppose you would only get them secondhand.
The ultimate selling price of the item would be

cost of material + cost of production + manufacturer's profit + cost of shipping + import duty + distributor's profit + retailer's profit

Other than the cost of material, everything else remains the same. In a low price item like pendrive, the cost of material would be minimal, which means that the difference between a 1 and 2 GB would also be minimal.

And as customers, we would never go for the 1 GB model, because when you can get 2x of something for just a little more money, why would you buy the smaller capacity one?
^^ both depend on your needs and your pocket :p how can we suggest ?

anything between 4-16 GB of Corsair Voyager should be a good choice. :).