Pepper Spray?

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Hey guys..

Does any1 in Mumbai know where Pepper Spray / Mace is avialable?

Need it for my girlfriend, She travels by train often, and sometimes quite late at night. Which makes me more than uncomfortable.

So... Does any1 know?


Have you checked at Breach Candy and Phoenix Mills? I'm sure you'll find a can there. My ex would carry one around as well, but thankfully she never had to use it. It reaffirmed my faith in Mumbai!
Try one of the Health & Glow stores, that's where I saw it in Bangalore - but I've always pondered whether girls can take out a can of spray from a really messy handbag (have you seen?) before an attacker strikes. Get her a tazer from the US instead lol.
I remember seeing a telebrands advt about the same, try looking up for it at their website
^^ Lol..

Dont want Gun tasers.

just those ones which you would stick into the Gut of some1 trying to rob you or sumthing.

Where exactly is Funky's in Bandra?
Gee..tht taser thingy can do more than just stun ur assailant.. btw, any idea, how long will this thing keep the guy down? Even if they render someone immovable for 10 minutes, they simply negate the use of more lethal weapons which can actually injure..effectively making 'em as bad as any other weapon..i just hope its not freely available( a license maybe)..It cud easily be used for subversive activities..
^^ They arent.

But by the way things have been going with this City, I say you gals should use these "things".. lol..
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