PC Peripherals Performance Upgrade (old PC)


I want to upgrade my old pc, Its was laying around (collecting dust) lolz!
Need it simply for surfing and listening to music and watching movies thats it!

Proccy: Amd athlon XP ( no change)
RAM : currently (256 mb) <------ I want to add more ram pls suggest me!
MOBO: ASUS A7N266-VM (capacitors are damaged Should i get them replaced or
buy a new mobo plz suggest)
HDD: Seagate 20gb I will keep this one no upgrade!

Note When i stared the cpu im facing lot's of problems the pc wont boot
up properly it beeps and restarts itself 2 to 3 times and finally boots up. I feel the pc is so slow while browsing and chatting! plz suggest me some good ram!
I want this machine to be some fast and stable!
By updgrade, do you mean youre ready to change youre entire mobo+processor setup? Because if you are not, then best of luck finding a decent price for a stick of DDR1 RAM. Or finding DDR1 RAM in the first place!

If you honestly want to change youre mobo, I'd look at the second hand market. Some shops of course do stock certain DDR motherboards, but I can't remember any of the top of my head. If you can just get youre mobo repaired, I'm sure youre system is adequate for youre uses.
Im keeping the proccy! I just want to add more ram and want a advice on mobo
hmmm! I think i will get it repaired? whats the cost of new pair of capacitors?
And how much ram should i add? plus what's the price of DDR1 RAM in the market. plz help....
512 mb of ram would be fine. 1 gb would be recomended.

my old P4 pc used for suring and even some old games had just one 512mb ddr1 stick with internet security suite on.

last i heard of DDR 1 ram was for rs. 1200 for 512mb a month back. and its not that hard to find. depends where you are located.

If you wanna buy a 1GB DDR 400MHz RAM, pm me. I have one. its true that DDR RAM is really hard to find and heavily priced these days. I think the production has been stopped. :(
Your rig makes for a good second PC for browsing and listening to music and watching standard definition movies. Yes, don’t give them away or sell ‘em as it won’t fetch you much. Use it until it dies completely of old age. Now, about your queries:

If your MoBo is working even with those broken capacitors, use it as it is otherwise try and get it soldered firm by a technician. Don’t replace it as it will involve extra expense. No use spending on the MoBo now because then, you might as well get a new rig altogether. And about RAM, yes 256MB is just about enough to run XP. Try to get 1GB in if you can afford it. Or else at least 512MB. (I’m presuming that this is DDR1 which is quite costly - damage for 1Gb would b around 1.6k). Rest looks pretty fine.
Should i get 256*2 sticks or 512*2 ? Which one will work better for my pc?

I really want some speed! to open/run appz and browse the net.
And how much are they gonna cost me? New capacitors and RAM! Help! :(

thanks for the replies!