permanently activate windows vista by skipping activation


Permanently Activate Windows Vista by Skipping Activation
Thanks to the eagerness of some hackers, Windows Vista can now be permanently activated by just skipping the activation using a patched TimerStop.sys.

Until recently, Microsoft had the upper hand on Vista’s security. Since last week, it seems like they’re losing it. First it was a Russian Forum posting a exploit code, and today its KEZNews posting a how-to-crack Vista article.

link to this article..
Download, or

Dont all of those look the same??

And in my will still give a non-genuine error if any1 installs the KB929391 (Windows Vista Validation Update)... So its still not genuine u know!!
but what performance gain does dam Vista give, it ran on such high config that background task priority will be much more affecting foreground comps
rajaryan_13 said:
but what performance gain does dam Vista give, it ran on such high config that background task priority will be much more affecting foreground comps

ok... go ahead and install desktop search, sidebar, object dock, windows defender, StyleXP, sudowin and many other stuff (check: If after installing all that in XP... u can make it work faster than Vista...then its a miracle that u've done. If u dont need those features, just b happy with XP.... or disable all those services in Vista!!

I think that shuld b enuf to get u the performance u need!