Petition to keep the forum apolitical

Should political discussions be allowed on this forum

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Maybe improve your discussion skills if you get buried by "if you dont like it, ignore it" type of arguments, rather than glorifying them. They're the lowest scum operating on logic so strong it can't support a feather. :rolleyes:
No man. I'm a man in my mid-30s with a busy life. I'd rather spend my free time playing PS5 games than arguing with right wing trolls.
No man. I'm a man in my mid-30s with a busy life. I'd rather spend my free time playing PS5 games than arguing with right wing trolls.
Makes sense, but you made them sound like really good trolls but honestly they're just low level minions who's world comes crashing down when challenged with basic logic. And its getting worse for them as the dictator spends more time in power with zero results to show for it.
The way social media has gone, every space is now filled with political discussions. This forum, being a dedicated tech forum, is a refuge to get away from all that hullabaloo.

But lately I've been noticing a string of political posts over here as well. So I wanted to petition the mods and admins to keep this space free from political discussions. I think there are enough and more places where people can discuss politics to their heart's content. A tech forum can stay away from all that.

If that's not feasible, can we introduce a prefix for political discussions and allow users to ignore the same.
If all other aspects of life can be allowed under other topics / general discussion/ etc, so can politics also. Let's face it. Politics is very much an important aspect of life. Embrace it.

Of course all may not be handling it maturely , but should not be banned.
The way people have written looks like a lot of threads have gone ugly and I am totally oblivious to them... May I live as an ostrich please
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Political discussions should not be allowed. I have voted for the same. We can here for tech and related to tech, nothing else. If someone does want to engage in political discussions, there is other social media for that.

If political discussions come then people get the urge to attack/defend wrt to identities usually. Why even allow it in the first place. These kind of discussions will just get personal/attacks and then one or the other side will get either suppressed by the mods or banned usually. Tech unites us all, please don't allow something that divides us.

and what constitutes as "Political discussion" is any manner of dialogue that relates to politics, 99% of the times those kind discussions are seen easily by the mods and sometimes when in doubt, either give benefit of the doubt or delete the post and if still not sure then use common sense, sure it will be arbitrary but there is no other option.

If this solution isn't agreeable for mods, then let the political thread/discussions be totally free. No modding them whatsoever. Let there be attacks coz then if someone get suppressed they will say "what constitutes as insult"

Solution is very simple, either fully restrict them no political discussions whatsoever or let it be totally out of mod power and no suppression. If people want debates/free speech then free speech comes at the cost of personal attacks, hate speech, fake news etc and any modding that will just mean either side will complain about suppression.
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My point about tone and language of content delivery being proved in the few posts above. :(
Words like bhakt, pappu, mudi, libtard, k2wa (didn't even know what this meant until now) are only derailing the discussion and instigating others. Would like to see discussions without such offensive language, but it seems to be impossible for some.
My point about tone and language of content delivery being proved in the few posts above. :(
Words like bhakt, pappu, mudi, libtard, k2wa (didn't even know what this meant until now) are only derailing the discussion and instigating others. Would like to see discussions without such offensive language, but it seems to be impossible for some.
Precisely why many tech enthusiasts from all sides of political compass want such posts to not be the central attraction point of the forum. Ban, segregation, opt-in, etc.

1. On this forum we have people from all walks of life. They have different ideological convictions but one passion: technology.

2. People tend to have strong ideological convictions. Politics is all pervasive and it has become difficult to segregate it from the other aspects of life.

3. Political polarisation is brewing animosity between the people despite the shared technological interests. How are we to share our best practices when we don’t like the other for some ideological incompatibility?

4. On the question of stronger moderation: strictly policing more ideological members also alienates them from sharing their knowledge.

5. Other members feel difficulty in engaging due to the fear of things becoming a political mudslinging festival.

6. Overall, such seemingly inevitable poor level of discussions surrounding politics has the potential to hollow out the forum.

The common denominator which brings us here is: love for technology. Politics is difficult to separate from it, especially given how policies shape our access to technologies (e.g. ban on AliExpress). They also bring in a lot of engagement to the forum. But some members have strong convictions which can sometimes vitiate the common apolitical passion.

If something harms the fundamental basis of this forum, that is sharing the passion and love for technology, then some action must be taken. Things cannot go as usual.
I would like political discussions to continue. In fact, I keep reading through the politics related threads here as a good source of information, since we have members from different viewpoints pitching in their views. In algorithm based social media, I am automatically tagged as a liberal or conservative or something else based on my previous interactions in the site, and I am fed similar content mostly. News channels are no good either. Which is why I find content on TE for opposing viewpoints with valid explanations and sources, especially from some members, really useful.

That said, I would like the discussions to remain civil with no name calling and mudslinging involved. So, stricter moderation on tone and delivery of content, rather than the content itself?
Exactly my points.

India is very vibrant and diverse .
It is important to understand each other's view.
Look for diverse this country is that on one hand in North people are getting lynched of just news of Beef being eaten...and at same time in Kerala(south )..restaurants with name Sri Krishna are serving beef openly.

Shows How much we are different yet still being so similar in tradition and culture and religion.

Only issue here is people getting personal when discussing politics .
It is sensitive no doubt but it also important to understand that and know those democratic values and discuss the issues of this country.

This forum just needs little stricter rule to stop people going personal and just adhere to rules.

Rest will fall in place.

Sometimes members get irritated and take out on the other members or whatever maybe the reason but still any civil person will either ignore or atleast not reply personally

Having said everyone can add something little to that discussion and help growing it.

I am just trying to put a point that one cannot run away from sensitive topics just in fear of things getting is needed to be understand from as many prospectives for a society to grow better before you can come close to the real facts and truth and might even help you be a better person.

Ofcourse having said that. It will not be easy for mods to handle politics discussion issue sometimes before it goes into spiral.

Even at home sometimes discussing politics issue can raise emotions between relatives .
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@Renegade An idea I had - Just shift all political discussions to a separate sub forum in general talk and let in people by invite only (like private lounge type access)? Only people who want to discuss politics should be allowed in that sub. Rest can ignore it completely. Ask who wants access to that forum and only let those usernames inside to debate discuss.
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@Renegade An idea I had - Just shift all political discussions to a separate sub forum in general talk and let in people by invite only (like private lounge type access)? Only people who want to discuss politics should be allowed in that sub. Rest can ignore it completely. Ask who wants access to that forum and only let those usernames inside to debate discuss.
No need to make it private, those who wants to discuss will attend others will ignore. A simple prefix of Politics will be enough for most people to keep away from those threads.
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No need to make it private, those who wants to discuss will attend others will ignore. A simple prefix of Politics will be enough for most people to keep away from those threads.
It's to keep the folks out who cannot keep a hold on their language. Ideally people who don't like politics will stay out of discussions but once they see something they feel connected to, such people tend to jump in and then the discussions get derailed. If we make it strictly for people who love political debates and discussions, then i hope it will turn out to be better. The odd name callers access can be revoked for a month.
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There should be a separate forum for discussing politics. Any civil decent logical discussion should be allowed whereas any name calling should be banned. Anyone resorting to name calling from whichever end it is should be banned from the forum which discuss politics.
My point about tone and language of content delivery being proved in the few posts above. :(
Words like bhakt, pappu, mudi, libtard, k2wa (didn't even know what this meant until now) are only derailing the discussion and instigating others. Would like to see discussions without such offensive language, but it seems to be impossible for some.
We cannot civilize those who delight in being uncivilized/using derogatory language for those they disagree with. This thread was meant to discuss if political discourse should be allowed, and this too has been hijacked by people and turned into another political thread many of us "ignored" by selecting that option.

That is why I and many others have have such a strong opinion on disallowing it completely because they can and will hijack other threads such as which movie/music/entertainment or taxes on electronics etc and turn them into yet another political debate filled with personal attacks and lacking any manners.
It's to keep the folks out who cannot keep a hold on their language. Ideally people who don't like politics will stay out of discussions but once they see something they feel connected to, such people tend to jump in and then the discussions get derailed. If we make it strictly for people who love political debates and discussions, then i hope it will turn out to be better. The odd name callers access can be revoked for a month.
Name calling members should be banned, a strict action against them will solve the problem if not completely then it will make them think twice before repeating the mistake.
3. Political polarisation is brewing animosity between the people despite the shared technological interests. How are we to share our best practices when we don’t like the other for some ideological incompatibility?
Not with me and there's a simple reason and solution.

Compartmentalise. Or more clearly.

What's said in a thread STAYS THERE.

Don't carry animosity in one place anywhere else.

I have no problem interacting with people in other areas whereas i could be daggers drawn with them on a political topic.

This is how you seperate the kids from the adults.
Name calling members should be banned, a strict action against them will solve the problem if not completely then it will make them think twice before repeating the mistake.
banning (from that political lounge only) should be the last option. I'm against banning. It just means we lost one voice of dissent. We should listen to everyone no matter what they say.
It might just increase the load on mods only to keep a check.

That is the only issue I see.
There's a report button on every post. For such name callers posts, we can always hit that button to make life easier for mods. Or just ask someone in that section to mod it.
Name calling members should be banned, a strict action against them will solve the problem if not completely then it will make them think twice before repeating the mistake.
I have a defense for that too.

I'm a hate speech defender.

So I don't get to complain when people abuse me.

Here's the thing you ain't winning shit unless you can argue your point or counter mine.

Flattery & flirting gets you no where :p
Not with me and there's a simple reason and solution.

Compartmentalise. Or more clearly.

What's said in a thread STAYS THERE.

Don't carry animosity in one place anywhere else.

I have no problem interacting with people in other areas whereas i could be daggers drawn with them on a political topic.

This is how you seperate the kids from the adults.
The core of the problem is poor debate ethic of some people. Those who resort to ad hominem will most likely lack the maturity to compartmentalise.

The problem is not about an individual either. It is about the forum and members who are not one individual. Everyone’s interests need to be placed at the centre.
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The core of the problem is poor debate ethic of some people. Those who resort to ad hominem will most likely lack the maturity to compartmentalise.
And that is what these discussions will reveal. How smart. How mature. How trustworthy.

Not so easy as discussing tech is it. And that is why techies need to get better at it. This has been my rationale to alow them going back to 2010

Taking part in these discussions is like being on some truth serum.

If you're unhinged it shows fast. You can almost psych profile people by their behavior in these topics

Approach these topics at your own risk.
The problem is not about an individual either. It is about the forum and members who are not one individual. Everyone’s interests need to be placed at the centre.

Argue your case and then you move ahead

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