CPU/Mobo Phenom 555be unlock queries & batch numbers

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Reds under the bed
After doing some searching i think i should try my luck with 555be

but i hav some questions

Wat things should be kept in mind for unlocking

1>Wat are the chances?

2>Does it void warranty?

3>Can u reverse the unlock?

4>does any of these mobos support unlock

MSI 790 E65

GA790gpt UD3H

5>wat to do if the proccy does not unlock?

called up prime he asked fo the batch number i wanted

Can anyone tell me some batch nos which hav higher rate of success

& the one's that fail

Should i buy frm samvik or prime???
I haven't really seen anybody saying that they couldn't unlock the core for 55BEs. The following batch #s have been successfully unlocked and posted at many sites.



1003GPMW (mine is this one)

Coming to your questions

1) Pretty high. I would go ahead and say 95% and above :)

2) Yes. But if you are not overlocking, but only unlocking the cores, then you shouldn't have any problems with the stock cooler.

3) Yes. These options are available in the BIOS. For example in ASUS M4A785TD-V EVO has something called unleashed mode. Once you enable it, the cores are unlocked. But all MB which support the core unlocking need to have support for ACC (Advanced Clock Calibration). So make sure the MB that you pick has this.

4) Not sure..google it out :D

5) Be prepared for it. A dual core unlocked to quad core should be an added advantage and not your primary need. If you need the desktop for home use, gaming, download etc, then you should take this chance. But if its for some high-end 3D processing, professional audio/video rendering, where not being able to unlock is going to hurt you more, then go for proper quad cores - the i7 procs.

samvik or prime - no idea.

Anyway, all the best!!

impulse1992 said:
After doing some searching i think i should try my luck with 555be
but i hav some questions

Wat things should be kept in mind for unlocking
1>Wat are the chances?
2>Does it void warranty?
3>Can u reverse the unlock?
4>does any of these mobos support unlock
MSI 790 E65
GA790gpt UD3H
5>wat to do if the proccy does not unlock?

called up prime he asked fo the batch number i wanted
Can anyone tell me some batch nos which hav higher rate of success
& the one's that fail

Should i buy frm samvik or prime???
buy from prime for better A.S.S...or even E-lounge...there are even few i would recommend mahavir,mcann...:)
when enquired samvik told he only has 1004APMW Batch he said it unlocks 100%

wat should i do????
For unlocking help, go through this thread - AMD Phenom II Core Unlocking Guide for X2 550BE / X3 710 & 720BE - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net

The above batches mentioned do have a better chance of unlocking but you cannot be sure. People with 1004 and 1002EPMW have reported no or only 1 core unlocking too.

Well, if it comforts you, a person has unlocked his 555BE with the APMW here - My x2 555 has come, UK, looks like a good one - XtremeSystems Forums

AFAIK since your batch is a newer one, it *should* have better chances of unlocking.

Cheers :)
For unlocking help, go through this thread - AMD Phenom II Core Unlocking Guide

The above batches mentioned do have a better chance of unlocking but you cannot be sure. People with 1004 and 1002EPMW have reported no or only 1 core unlocking too.

Well, if it comforts you, a person has unlocked his 555BE with the APMW here - XtremeSystems Forums

AFAIK since your batch is a newer one, it *should* have better chances of unlocking.

Cheers :)
GA-MA785GMT-US2H is this MB capable of unlocking the cores ??? even m looking for a mobo to pair it with a 555 BE. m want to avoid ASUS due its bad A.S.S .. :)
i read here on TE only that some specific batch chips had high temps ..can someone tell me which one was it ???
If available for 1004CPMW batch processors, they have very good chance of unlocking(almost 100%) and overclocks well too. That's the batch currently available in CTC, Hyderabad. 1007 batch processors seem to overclock best.
i will be visiting NP pretty soon !!! so can anyone list of present unlock-able batches ???? m over with my xams n really want a to buy a pc . please reply asap.


g33kgod :)
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