Phone for 7.5k

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Hi everyone

Looking for a cell phone worth Rs 7.5k. Did my search and shortlisted two models, please suggest which one should I go for or if you have any other better suggestion I would love to go after it.

1. Samsung S5250 Wave525- no 3g

2. Nokia 5230- Less responsive touch screen, no wifi

3.How is Micromax A60?

I watched video reviews of both at youtube and found both looks performing fine.

Now I would like to know how much third party software available for Bada OS, this is the only reason I am thinking twice for it.

I have never used Nokia 5230 or 5800 how is their touch screen, is it really bad in comparison?

My phone requirements are-

1.Good touch screen.

2.Good music.

3.Camera does not matter much but if get 3MP will be happy.

4.Wifi and 3g, either is available thats fine.

I know all things cant be possible at this price but request you all let me know which one will be the best VFM.

So please suggest.

Thanks in advance :)

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Oops by mistake posted in wrong section, mods please move it to the right section and accept my apology for it.
Go to a Nokia Priority dealer or a shop and use a live set of 5230XM. Then you can determine if you will be able to live with that or not.
With Nokia 5230, i would suggest turning off the theme effects to get better and faster response. This tip is courtesy some member here who had suggested me this.
The Nokia 5230 is very good, and yeah, with heavy themes(ones which have background on menu), there is little slowing down, but not much noticable.

And also, the 5230 gives u GPS and Navigation free(download INDIA maps 130MB from OviSuite free again), and I like the browser, using Opera makes it much better.

Call quality is good, recent Music Player Update(iesterday) allows for lyrics on the default player, so no 3rd party solution required.

And super customizable HomeScreen(type ORANGE TSUNAMI on google)
Thank you all now thinking of increasing budget a bit and looking at Samsung I5500. Do you like to comment on it?
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