Hi everyone
Looking for a cell phone worth Rs 7.5k. Did my search and shortlisted two models, please suggest which one should I go for or if you have any other better suggestion I would love to go after it.
1. Samsung S5250 Wave525- no 3g
2. Nokia 5230- Less responsive touch screen, no wifi
3.How is Micromax A60?
I watched video reviews of both at youtube and found both looks performing fine.
Now I would like to know how much third party software available for Bada OS, this is the only reason I am thinking twice for it.
I have never used Nokia 5230 or 5800 how is their touch screen, is it really bad in comparison?
My phone requirements are-
1.Good touch screen.
2.Good music.
3.Camera does not matter much but if get 3MP will be happy.
4.Wifi and 3g, either is available thats fine.
I know all things cant be possible at this price but request you all let me know which one will be the best VFM.
So please suggest.
Thanks in advance
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Oops by mistake posted in wrong section, mods please move it to the right section and accept my apology for it.
Looking for a cell phone worth Rs 7.5k. Did my search and shortlisted two models, please suggest which one should I go for or if you have any other better suggestion I would love to go after it.
1. Samsung S5250 Wave525- no 3g
2. Nokia 5230- Less responsive touch screen, no wifi
3.How is Micromax A60?
I watched video reviews of both at youtube and found both looks performing fine.
Now I would like to know how much third party software available for Bada OS, this is the only reason I am thinking twice for it.
I have never used Nokia 5230 or 5800 how is their touch screen, is it really bad in comparison?
My phone requirements are-
1.Good touch screen.
2.Good music.
3.Camera does not matter much but if get 3MP will be happy.
4.Wifi and 3g, either is available thats fine.
I know all things cant be possible at this price but request you all let me know which one will be the best VFM.
So please suggest.
Thanks in advance

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Oops by mistake posted in wrong section, mods please move it to the right section and accept my apology for it.