20-25K Phone for learning customization

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1. Budget?
A: INR 20k-25k

2. Preferred display size, type and resolution?
A: ~6 inches

3. Preferred operating system? (Android (with version), iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android

4. Preferred connectivity options - volte,vowifi presence is required

5. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.

A: No preference. Should have good service network in tier 2 and 3 cities

6. What is your intended use for this phone (internet, camera, multimedia, mails etc.)?
A: Learning customization including installing ROM's etc. Additionally, if base camera is not good, it should have good Gcam versions available. That too is something I want to learn

7. Single SIM/ Dual SIM?
A: No preference

8. New or Used? Online or Offline?
A: New. Don’t mind buying online

9. Any other requirements?
A: Need good battery backup
Dude seriously?
You investing 25k just for playing with customizations?
Your existing phones might already be having custom roms available so try on them..
Just dont waste 25k amount for some mere rom customizations etc.
**Caution: There are even 40k+ phones having hardly any custom roms so if you do wanna spend the money first research else you will cry after buying...stuck with stock os and nothing to do/explore..
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@nRiTeCh I didn't mean I am going to spend this amt on customizations alone. I have my mobile note 9 which is showing its age now and I have no intention of buying a 30k + mobile. I just want an option which allows easy customization also.
Go for Xiaomi/poco/redmi phones...by far the best rom and kernel support.

Dont go for realme options if you want good custom roms.

If you want to save some money...Poco x2 has been going down till 15k without any offers recently. Coupled with any bank offers it might save you 50% on your budget and perform well + lots of support for custom roms

On the other end, if you want to spend more and want to get 'good experience' you can spend 30k and get a google pixel 4a.

My vote will be for the first one for sure. Half the budget and for someone like you who is willing and capable of tinkering, wasting 100% more for a better camera doesn't make sense.
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And yes don't go for high end specs you will be fine with latest android gen
You can buy a phone for 10-15k for that. No need to invest 20k for this.
Best option would be to search for 2nd hand last gen pixel phones if you have money.
I would suggest using the trusty old Moto G5 Plus. I have not seen any phone having as diverse and extensive range of customization options as the G5 Plus but the phone itself is very old at this point so you should be able to find one dirt cheap. Even if you mess up, you don't burn a huge hole in your pocket. I've been using this phone for 4 years now and currently running the Pixel Experience based on Android 11. Only I know how much I've been abusing my phone with customizations over the past 4 years but overall. I've learnt a lot myself.

The next closest candidate in my opinion would be either the Poco F1 or the Mi A2 which fit better with your description. These are fairly newer. significantly powerful models but still cost half as much or less than your budget. However you still have scope for a wide variety of customization options.

I am myself looking to purchase decent phone with the sole intent to install a custom ROM but unfortunately I haven't seen any choice better than the Poco F1 or Mi A2. Please note that your mileage may vary and do your research. What works for me may not work for you.
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