10-15K Phone mainly for reading & mail/chat

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My Note II was stolen on the bus last week, so I want to get a cheap phone that'll take me through the next three quarters.

1. Budget?
A: 10-15k
2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar
3. Preferred display type?
A: Good sunlight visibility. Anywhere between 4.5 to 5.5 inches - I come from Note 2 and read a lot, so this is crucial.
4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: None. Want to try out WP8, but screen size is not large enough in this range :-/
5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen
6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: At least a 5MP camera. Flash.
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android, open to Windows Phone 8
8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: 3G, Wi-fi
9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Reading (Kindle, Pocket, FT & WSJ apps), GMail, WhatsApp, Music, Office email.
10. Any other requirements?
A: Dual SIM would be nice, but not really needed. Internal memory should be large enough, want a microSD card slot as well.
11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
If you want to do a lot of reading (you mentioned Kindle) I would urge you to but a 2nd hand Note. For reading text, a high quality screen with a good pixel density is very helpful otherwise the characters look jagged. A 2nd device should easily last 3 quarters.
Also, for devices like Note, there is no real risk of fakes. If the device is in good condition, then you are good to go.
If you want to do a lot of reading (you mentioned Kindle) I would urge you to but a 2nd hand Note. For reading text, a high quality screen with a good pixel density is very helpful otherwise the characters look jagged. A 2nd device should easily last 3 quarters.
Also, for devices like Note, there is no real risk of fakes. If the device is in good condition, then you are good to go.

I don't want a second hand device. Looked at Micromax, it's way too flimsy and fragile for my liking. Not going near local manufacturers.
So I see two options: 1. wait for the Note 3 to release and save up to buy it in a month or two; 2. Get a Nexus 4 from US. I'll decide next week once the reviews are in.
@labakkudas hey the note 3 will be atleast 3 times your present budget. If you can save up till October mid and get that then there is nothing like it! Dont go for the Nexus 4 now cause I think with Android 4.4 a new nexus will be here in october and inevitably you will regret the Nexus 4 purchase. Wait it out a while. Also if Kindle is one your primary reasons for a big screen why dont you get the Note 8? will serve the purpose of a phone and a tablet. The 8 inch spot is amazing for reading :)
@labakkudas hey the note 3 will be atleast 3 times your present budget. If you can save up till October mid and get that then there is nothing like it! Dont go for the Nexus 4 now cause I think with Android 4.4 a new nexus will be here in october and inevitably you will regret the Nexus 4 purchase. Wait it out a while. Also if Kindle is one your primary reasons for a big screen why dont you get the Note 8? will serve the purpose of a phone and a tablet. The 8 inch spot is amazing for reading :)

Thanks for the reco, but I feel anything over 200g is too heavy for reading on the train and in bed. I had a Nook HD+ tablet - brilliant screen for reading but too heavy - which I gave to my brother.
Note 2 & 3 offer the perfect mix of good reading experience + battery + normal phone features. I'll wait till the new Nexus comes and then decide. If the new Nexus pricing is like Nexus 4 (<$400) I'll get that and a Kindle, else I'll get the Note 3. That's my idea for now.
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