phone not plzz

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my 3110c phone was working well but suddenly it wont even start:(...i ve done nothing,didnt try to upgrade firmware or anything .
when i press the start button ..the white screen with nokia written on it appears...then it goes white and flickers three times then switches off
i am very plzz.
well i guess you should go straight away to the NOKIA CARE Centre .. it seems that the motherboard of your phone is damaged .
went there they demanded 1000 rs to repair :( cuz its out of warranty period..
now i dont want to spend that much money :( (esp on a 3110c)
is there any other way to flash the phone??like using phoenix or jaf??
thanks :)
hmm.. well . i dont think so .. as the motherboard is corrupted .. its a dead phone now .. changing your phone seems the best option ..
hey my problem suddenly pressing *+3+dial key nd power button..i tried that trick last nite phone dint start..but suddenly today it worked :clap:
thanks for the support :hap2:
te rocks :hap2:
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