Photo editing software (free)

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Hi, I bought a new digital camera & installed Kodak software for transferring pics. to Laptop.
Now, I need a software to edit the pics., but it should be free. So, please suggest me some good free photo editing software.

Thanks. lacks rich colour and graph based editing which is an essential component for ram image editing..

You have to activate GEGL in GIMP navigate to Colours→Use GEGL.
Thank you so much DarkStar, which version should I download, there are loads of choices on the link provided?
Also, how much time aprox. would it take to download? Im using 256kbps connection.
Edit: Just checked an old CD, it has a GIMP 2.4.6 version, would this be okay?
+1 for GIMP , it's the best one out there for free.

Also i read somewhere that Adobe are giving out their older versions of Photoshop (v7 i guess) for download free of cost of course. So try researching on that as well. GIMP is good none the less.
Thanks Sick, just an addition to earlier post, I also have GIMP version 2.6.1 on a CD. I guess this would be better than earlier cited version.
Thanks so much guys, I installed GIMP 2.6.1 from CD. Initially it went into not responding mode, but then later woke up & completed the job.

Hats off to Techenclavians! I got immediate help in almost middle of the night!
Thanks DarkStar, I already installed version 2.6.1 from a CD supplied with a tech. magazine. I guess downloading newer version from the net would take long!
Now, the latest problem is with the user interface, I opened the programme & did not know how to Edit the pics.!
teche said:
Thanks DarkStar, I already installed version 2.6.1 from a CD supplied with a tech. magazine. I guess downloading newer version from the net would take long!

Now, the latest problem is with the user interface, I opened the programme & did not know how to Edit the pics.!


That would have happened even if you had Photoshop CS4 or PaintshopPRO.

You have to mess around in order to Learn and get the hold of the software. Just like a game! "The more you play , the more you learn and the more you enjoy." :D

Although you can always refer tutorial sites which can often be of help to starters.

Some of them include - (Direct link to GIMP tutorials , you may also find PS and PSP tutorials there)

1. GIMP - Tutorials

2. Gimp Tutorials - Search for Gimp Tutorials on Pixel2Life

3. - Gimp , tutorials , brushes , downloads, forum.

If you require more , Search! Google is your best friend. :cool2:
Thanks Sick, for the consolation & the links!
I would go through the tutorials in detail to learn the stuff better.
Thanks DarkStar, for the valuable tutor link, these are much needed as Im a novice at this stuff!

Thanks Toxic.
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