Photon/NetConnect/MTS in Goa


Hi guys,

I need some help to choose a connection. Due to a problem with BSNL, my home has been without internet for a while.

Since we are desperately lacking for broadband options in Goa, the only choice, it seems, is to go in for one of these portable dongles/modems.

I know zilch about would appreciate some help regarding this.

Which provider has the best plans/service/coverage? I don't want the 2G GPRS ones, already have that via mobile.

The connection is for my sister, who will use it mostly for college work, Facebook/chatting, and a bit of Youtube. However, a few torrents here and there can't be ruled out.

So I'm looking for a plan that will allow her to download some stuff, but not burn a hole in the pocket (especially since it's my pocket).

Looking through the Reliance page, there seems to be a Platinum 20GB plan for Rs 700 pm. That may be a bit overkill, but it sounds nice. What's the difference between High Speed 1x and broadband+ though?
So please suggest a good option, max monthly rental is 1k:(. I don't know how much the initial investment would be.

The PC at home runs Windows 7 x86.

Purchase will be as soon as possible.
