Photos of Earth by Sunita Williams

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Here you go..
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:) :) :)
(Response for general "Suni" fans, not QuickFire)

1. She's not an Indian.

2. There were many others on the spacecraft.

3. We should stop trying to bloody stake our claim in something that solely belongs to/was accomplished by the US.

It's just plain lame.
What has all this gotta do with this thread? What makes you believe that whoever talks about Sunita has to be one of her fans?

1. We know she isn't an Indian. She is an "Indian-American" astronaut. Her father believes she's India's daughter. Now what's your problem with that? :bleh:

"I will not call her Miss Universe. I will call her India's daughter," a beaming Deepak Pandya, father of Williams, said in Houston soon after her return to earth.

2. We know there were many others on that spacecraft but her achievements as an astronaut and specifically, as a woman can't be ruled out. :no:

Williams crossed the milestone for longest uninterrupted stay by a woman in space surpassing the 188-day, four-hour mark set by US astronaut Shannon Lucid in 1996 on a mission to the Russian Mir space station.

Although it is only her first space flight, Williams became the world's most experienced woman walker in space with four excursions clocking over 29 hours and 17 minutes to top Kathy Thornton's 21-hour space walking record.

3. We also know that the mission was accomplished by US but that still doesn't mean we can't take pride in someone else's achievements particularly when that person has an Indian connection, whether you believe it or not is entirely your prerogative.

By any chance, if you were trying to create a controversy out of this, best of luck. :P
i dont think sunita took this photographs :lol: ive seen those somewhere else... anyways it looks totally professionally taken pics. not possible for an astraunaut like sunita williams to take such professional pics :bleh:
I should have added a disclaimer to my first post. I can't guarantee whether those pics have been taken by Sunita Williams or someone else. Its better left at viewer's judgment. I found them on the net and felt like sharing it with you people.

Maybe you're right. It may not be possible for an astronaut like Sunita Williams to take such professional pics. Its possible that they had a professional photographer onboard just to take those pics. who knows? :bleh:

Enjoy the pics and forget about technicalities. :P
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