photoshop resolution query

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i needed to design a 3.5 X 2.2 in visiting card for a relative..
i needed to know what resolution to design it at...
if i choose a 300 the actual size is pretty big and when i view the print size all becomes 2 small and unreadable
could some1 tell help me out as to what resolution to design it at??
300 dpi - required if u use graphics and logos.

also thats the required resolution for prints - your printer will not accept anything less than that.

Best to use a vector package like illustrator or corel since it is resolution independent. u will find inbuilt templates in these vector packages for business cards.

f i choose a 300 the actual size is pretty big and when i view the print size all becomes 2 small and unreadable

remember that your actual screen resolution is at 96dpi - so 300dpi will naturally be big
For a 1:1 print you have to scale at 96 dpi or thereabouts. You should use a vector package, or if you don't want to master another learning curve, do a box in Powerpoint or Word for the text and create an image (if required) in Photoshop in the same ratio, scale it to fit.

If you use StarOffice you will be able to export to PDF to print directly, and it's free too!
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