No offence DD, your tutorial is useful to PS newbies. But one thing that sucks with all PS tutorials on the web: authors add-in more special effects than what the tutorial outlines, so the author's result is completely different from the actual result - why can't people keep it simple
[D]igital [D]eath - Your Tutorials have been renamed appropriate to the content they carry - dont worry nobody would take the credit away form you - so just name the tutorials according to the content.
Either really, as I have always stated, there are ten million ways to get any job done in photoshop... there is no right way. However, due to the fact that this is a guide that F|loccy has taken the time to write and share, then we are really discussing this particular method. I would say in context that this method works in multiple versions of Photoshop, and is therefore a little more versatile