Physx in ATI Graphics

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Today I am shifted from Green Team(7300gt) to Red Team (4670). I installed the demo of Watchmen - after finishing the installation it was asking for physx installation which I declined. Later when I tried to play the game -it displayed some message showing missing physx dll file. Then I downloaded physx driver and played the game and its working.

Is there any trade off in performance,visual while playing physx based game in non nvidia graphics system
Not really. It depends on how much physics calculations are present in the game. Mid-range & High-end Nvidia card's usually provide PhysX support via their forceware drivers. ATI, on the other hand, won't have this feature. Hence most of the physics calculations gets offloaded to CPU. Certain physics effects in Mirror's Edge specifically demanded PhysX supporting card to show them off. In Watchmen, however, you won't miss out on anything, visually or otherwise.
one noob question...isnt ati associated with havoc as nvidia to physx.i was surprised to read that one cud actually install physx on ati :|
You can install Physx driver alright regardless what card you have... it's just that Physx control panel applet will show that "no physx card is installed", and the physx calculations will get offloaded to CPU.

When I installed 3DMark Vantage, it asked me if it should install Physx drivers.. I installed them, just out of curiosity. When I run the physx demo, it runs the demo, but it says running in software mode, since I have ATi card which it doesn't support.

Which reminds me about reading somewhere about physx hack for ATi cards long ago, when nVidia brought out Physx drivers first... can't remember exactly what was that about but it was something along the lines of enabling physx acceleration on ATi card.
That means ATI user will need a comparetively better CPU for physx heavy games to get the same performance as Nvidia
For certain games, Yes. But it depends on how well the game is coded. A game like Cryostasis, which isn't optimised properly, will take a massive hit when it comes to PhysX usage. So people with an ATI card & a relatively lower end processor (read: moi) will face slow downs in a lot of areas. Whereas, Mirror's Edge is brilliantly optimised. It doesn't let the frame rate take a hit whilst physics are being calculated.

To be honest, I don't fancy PhysX. Havok on the other hand has shown better results every time. Check out the object displacement physics in games like Stranglehold & Mercenaries 2. I blasted through a whole fort & saw it crumbling down in Mercenaries 2, without even nudging my frame rate. In Stranglehold, you can blast your way through pretty much everything.
Ethan_Hunt said:
For certain games, Yes. But it depends on how well the game is coded. A game like Cryostasis, which isn't optimised properly, will take a massive hit when it comes to PhysX usage. So people with an ATI card & a relatively lower end processor (read: moi) will face slow downs in a lot of areas. Whereas, Mirror's Edge is brilliantly optimised. It doesn't let the frame rate take a hit whilst physics are being calculated.

To be honest, I don't fancy PhysX. Havok on the other hand has shown better results every time. Check out the object displacement physics in games like Stranglehold & Mercenaries 2. I blasted through a whole fort & saw it crumbling down in Mercenaries 2, without even nudging my frame rate. In Stranglehold, you can blast your way through pretty much everything.

Mirror's Edge is brilliantly optimised.
Thank god .

I don't care much about physx. I will try stranglehold and mercernaries 2 - hope it will run in current rig (any I am in upgradation path for cpu and mobo - by next month probably)
satyanjoy said:
I don't care much about physx. I will try stranglehold and mercernaries 2 - hope it will run in current rig (any I am in upgradation path for cpu and mobo - by next month probably)
These games will run with ease even on your current config.
Hey guys,

I also moved to team red a few weeks back. So, i can install PhysX without any issues on ATI cards?

Will my CPU be a problem, i mean if in the games PhysX is done by CPU, then what work CPU has to do who will do that! :P
Is dere a way to not use PhysX (just install it and not use probably) but still play games which have PhysX like Cryostasis?
Ethan_Hunt said:
These games will run with ease even on your current config.

Wow..Thanks mate - me superexcited - I had a huge backlog of games to be played

Bomberman said:

For how much did you get the card??

How is the card performing??:(

last night I installed few demos like GRID,Crysis,HAWX,Watchmen etc..

GRID, is awesome in maxout everything

Crysis is bit slow - 1440*900 - 2x aa..other low..I have to optimized the setting for best result- i will post the result by this weekend

HAWX is crashing - ATI VPU recovery is restarting the game again and again :( don't know what happened

Watchmen is bit slow at maxout everything

clown_abhi said:
Hey guys,

I also moved to team red a few weeks back. So, i can install PhysX without any issues on ATI cards?

Will my CPU be a problem, i mean if in the games PhysX is done by CPU, then what work CPU has to do who will do that! :P

Is dere a way to not use PhysX (just install it and not use probably) but still play games which have PhysX like Cryostasis?

Welcome to TEAM RED :hap2:

just install the physx driver from nvidia website. As mentioned by Ethan - the entire physx processing will be offloaded to cpu - so...some penalty will be there depending on the game.

no idea about the physx bypass-hack ..need to do some googling on it - it will be great if the game give some option where we can disable the physx and play without the performance penalty
clown_abhi said:
Hey guys,

I also moved to team red a few weeks back. So, i can install PhysX without any issues on ATI cards?

Will my CPU be a problem, i mean if in the games PhysX is done by CPU, then what work CPU has to do who will do that! :P
Is dere a way to not use PhysX (just install it and not use probably) but still play games which have PhysX like Cryostasis?
PhysX driver installation won't have any issues, as it's not reliant on graphic card. It's usage, however, will depend on the card you have. With a HD4850, you won't have to worry too much about it. Most of the games I have played have been smooth enough. Cryostasis is a very resource hungry game & somewhat poorly optimised. I have completed the whole game without much issues. Just don't look at FRAPS each time you play the game. That's my only advice. The only point where I experienced massive slow downs was when you start using your machine gun. That's when it really started to get jerky. Apart from that it was OK'ish.

So just relax & enjoy the games. Stop worrying about PhysX & it's consequences on ATI cards. ;)
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