Pirates of the Caribbean 2

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I loved the first movie. Eagerly took an afternoon off so I could go see the second movie. Walked out very disappointed. It's a cliff hanger. I might not have minded that if I'd known going in that it was part 1 of a 2 part movie, like Star Wars or Matrix but instead I just left feeling let down.

Great looking film but it made me mad that they basically left all the storylines hanging and even started mucking about with the bit of love story they still had. The actors did as good a job as the first movie, just didn't have the same caliber of storyline to work with.
Well... We have to wait till the 21st to know how good this movie is..

Im surely going for it anyways.. I have 2 movies to see this Friday.. Pirates of the Caribbean and The Lake house...
I'm confused by the replies... is it a review or not :S :bleh:
Anyways saw the movie.... tehnically good but the story is kinda boring and ya depp is a treat to watch :)
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