Players- Hindi Movie

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I happened to have seen the trailer of the new Hindi movie Players (unfortunately). Somehow my impulsive reaction was only infuriation and i could not dig any other feeling, though i tried hard. I just didnt like the way they made it. They have like screwed up a pretty good classic movie. Whats with these bikini clad girls showing their ripped abs all the time? How is that linked to something like a heist? I felt everyone looked idiotically colorful in the movie, especially abhishek. It may be just my opinion and you may beg to differ. Thats fine, but i wanted to know your views also.
After seeing the AD with the 3 mini's, knew this would be a movie that is "inspired" by the italian job.

But now, why mini's? why not, say nano's? :rofl:
Now if we go at this rate, then son we will have
Movie name - Discussion -type thread, just like the game title
Yay a new bollywood clip to bash. And yes, I have seen the trailer.

Beamed from a low orbit ION cannon via tapatalk

I can't find anything wrong with the trailer. Its an Abbas Mastaan flick and its guaranteed to be a rip off from one or many Hollywood movies. IMHO trailer is catchy and thrillers are Abbas Mastan's cliche. Should be fun to watch.

The trailer seems fine and interesting. Abbas-Mastaan duo are known for Hollywood "inspired" movies and there's nothing wrong with that as long as the movie clicks. One thing for sure, it would be a fast-paced film.
Without having a clue about the plot, I am willing to hazard a guess that Bobby Deol is the bakra again. In all of Abbas Mustan's films, he has been the bakra. Which means Abhishek Bachchan most likely has the negative role. As with all Abbas Mustan films, this thing would be made obvious only in the last sequence of course!
For those who haven't yet realized, its an official remake of The Italian Job and they actually bought the rights for the movie.

But that doesn't make it comparable anyway :P
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