Playing Counter Strike Online

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PS: I am not into online gaming and have never played a game online. I mean full fledged, connecting to server games.

Also i have not played much PC games except counter strike that we played on our office LAN :P

I want to know what all i need to play CS online ?

I obviously need to install the game on my laptop first and then from it i need to connect to servers and play right ?
Please let me know which version of CS to procure (i will figure out how to get it :P)

Then do i need to do anything special or just start the game, locate servers and join in ?
Moreover i have no clue what server to join and all. Also i see people here say that they get ping times of XX ms etc for games which is total bouncer for me.

I have a 2Mbps connection at home. I hope it will be sufficient for me right ?
Are there any servers in China region ? Asking because china based websites open superfast for me and foreign websites are sluggish irrespective of my connection speed (1Mbps, 2 Mbps or 4 Mbps :@ )
Get CS & Hamachi and your good to go !

This is of course with friends or known peer groups.

Procedure : Log into hamachi, locate your peer group and connect to them.

Once connected, load CS and locate the server(map) and click join.



You can always find public (open-to-all) servers within the game and join to play.

Connection : 256Kbps +

Version : 1.6 Reloaded or Source

GFX Req : A decent on-board gfx chipset should do.
I think i will go with the second option. Hamachi installation invited trouble for me when i installed on my laptop (you see company policy not to install P2P s/w and it detected hamachi as P2P)
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