Playing MP4 and avi files on Windows Media Player 11

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I am using Windows Media Player 11.

I hv got some MP4 and AVI file format videos from my friend but WMP is not able to play these files. Please tell me which software can play these files or if there are any addons for WMP for playing files of such format.

it seems you dont have the required codecs installed.

you can use vlc player.

VLC media player for Windows

or you can install codecs. i use the k-lite mega codec pack and it plays any file i throw.

you can play your files in WMP with these codecs or also in media player classic which is included in the codec pack. :: Download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 5.0.0 : The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack includes the K-Lite Codec Pack Full, QuickTime Alternative, Real Alternative support and Monkey's Audio DirectShow decoder.
Option 1-> Download klite mega codec pack and play all files in WMP

Option 2-> Download VLC player, plays most of the files barring a few (IIRC it does not play MOV files)
If you are particular about WMP 11 for playing MP4(and other media) files then first uninstall all the codecs you have in the system. Then install the follwoing tools(both are free tools)

Haali Media Splitter it's Matroska Splitter (important for parsing MP4 and other media fiels)

Download ffdshow from Latest FFDShow (SSE2 optimized)

Fiddle with FFDShow settings according to your need till you find the desired combination

These two are suffice to play most of video and audio format in any directshow based Media player(Eg; WMP 11)
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