Playing with Gimp 2.6

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Dark Star

Well I was playing with GIMP 2.6 and created some very minimal [Dell Red] type image..

Used few vectors and the text there [LFY] isn't a Font its GIMP 2.6 polygon selection tool


Pour in your comments and suggestion..

Edit :It isn't yet complete will come up with a full blown HD wallpaper soon :)

Amazing composition. Did not know that GIMP was capable of this. Although I think the blue background for the text looks a bit out of place (maybe a red gradient again?).
i have only photoshop brushes .. are they compatible with GIMP ??? :S
btw learn to use the pen tool, it lot more fun with pen tool then using brushes :D
i saw an old thread in guides section which described hw to make wallpapers using d brushes n d link of the brushes to download
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