Playstation 2 deader than a French swan

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Official magazine writes obit

THE OFFICIAL Playstation magazine seems to have written off the Playstation Two.


Its latest cover, carries a review of the new game "Black". The headline declares that Black will be "the last great PS2 game".

It seems that either OPM has decided that the rest of the games on the PS2 will be pants, or it does not think any more developers will put out any new games before the PS3 hits the shops in the next six to nine months.

Black might be a good game, however we wonder what OPM will run in its magazine for the rest of the year.
I guess they don't plan on reviewing:

Final Fantasy XII

Kingdom Hearts II

The Godfather

Shadow Hearts 3

Rogue Galaxy

Valkyrie Profile 2

Ace Combat Zero : Balkan Wars


Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams

Tourist Trophy

Jaws Unleashed

FlatOut 2

Phantasy Star Universe

Hitman: Blood Money

Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII

Many more i just can't remember, see the front page of the thread....

Last great PS2 game, my ass. Each of those titles will create just as much as impact Black almost did and some like KH2 and Okami will surpass it. Sony plans on keeping the ps2 alive for 2-4 more years to say the least.
I saw BLACK on Gamer TV.

They gave it 4 Stars. It looked just Stunning. I wonder how BLACK could be made to look on a PC :rolleyes:
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