PlayStation 3 sales rocket over 1000% on slim release

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Lord Nemesis

Chart-Track has told that sales of the PlayStation 3 have rocketed over 999 per cent in the past week, shifting eleven times the number of units sold the prior week.

Sony introduced the new, slimmer SKU last Tuesday, and although Chart-Track does not reveal actual sales numbers, Dorian Bloch, director of the firm called the growth "a huge increase".

"The uplift on week 36 on week 35 is plus 999 per cent," revealed Bloch. "We don't give out the hardware numbers, but never-the-less it's a very large increase."

The boost in sales will be a pleasing early start to the Christmas season for Sony, which told GamesIndustry.bizlast month that it expected the redesign to pull in new consumers.

"I think what I've heard anecdotally is that this is the point people were waiting for - a redesigned model and, in Euros, a significant price reduction," said Andrew House, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. "That's people's cue to jump into the business."

The PlayStation 3 has been remodelled earlier in the its lifecycle than the PlayStation 2. The PS2 slim, released in the 44th week of 2004, helped sales jump 310 per cent.

Chart-Track also said that last week the PS3 outsold the DS, Wii and Xbox 360 by approximately 3:1. It's the first time this year that Sony's home console has been the lead hardware format in the UK – it last held in the lead in the first week of 2008.

PS3 software sales have increased by 17 per cent in terms of units over week 35 to claim third place behind Xbox 360 and Wii, while in terms of value software sales have increased by 5 per cent to remain second behind 360 games.

The news follows a climb in Xbox 360 sales of 43 per cent last week, due to the price cut for the Elite model to GBP 199.

This week, sales for the Elite were still up in the region, said Chart-Track, an increase of 29 per cent over last week's growth.

PlayStation 3 sales rocket over 1000% on slim release // News
Then again this is data for a single week. Sales are bound to be higher when they have just released the new version. Lets see if that maintains over a period of time. I personally think PS3 is on the same track as PS2.
i dont think xboxslim will do the job...

they need a new console...

with bluray,hdmi and lots of storage and very cheap...

universal said:
Its time for MS to release X360 Slim :P

Given the serious design flaw the current X360 deals with, it really is more logical for M$ to go with a slim re-release. Bet they are kicking themselves for letting Sony get to it first now.

Also, if people are stupid, they will buy a 299$ dvd gaming console over a 299$ bluray gaming console. X360 Elite needs to be much cheaper.
sickizblank said:
Nightmare for Microsoft and Nintendo.

And for VALVE :P

Considering they totally ignore the PS3 port for any of the games they release :P

Thats just millions of customers being boycotted :no:
It's releasing in India in November and the price would be 19,990/- . Remember you won't be getting any free games bundled with it...

Better option would be to buy the PS3 now, In some cases you'll be getting 2 games free with it...
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