Playstation 5 & Xbox Series X

What are you going to buy or wish to buy? Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X

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Problem with pirated games is they did not get the legit updates post launch that fixed performance issues, that's where the problems arise when playing them.

I was only citing CP2077 as an extreme example, there's significant difference in most titles launched in the past 2-3 years.
Driveclub looks alright but it'a racing game with closed tracks from 2014, it is bound to run alright but if you pause and look past the overdone reflections at the textures on the roadside they're still a blurry mess.

Visual fidelity at 30 fps still looks choppy and is unbearable to play for some people, myself included. I was trying Witcher 3 and Ghost of Tsushima on the PS4 pro just a few weeks ago at my friend's place and I had to put them both down because of the "cinematic" frame rate. I'm still interested in playing Ghost of Tsushima post the PS5 60fps update but Witcher 3, even though it was running at 4k it looked horrible compared to even an entry level gpu like the 1650s. That is going to be the case with most current gen games as well and most people will end up running the game on 1080p60 whenever the option is available.
If you only intend to play on 1080p60 you might as well get a midrange PC.

You're also not taking the high price of consoles now as well as the 70$ you'll have to shell for the exclusives, yes the PC hardware market has been a mess for the last 2 years but we have cheap games at least thanks to Steam.

afaik, most patches are released fairly quickly if not instantly. at least that was the case till 2-3 years back.

Driveclub doesn't look alright, it looks freaking amazing. and yeah, that's what I already mentioned, 30 fps kills everything. Hence I'm of the opinion now with the new gen consoles, everything is bound to run at 2-4k 60 fps rock solid and now it becomes a viable option for everybody.

How much do I have to shell for a pc to game on 1080p ultra settings without fiddling with any setting 60 fps rock solid guaranteed for the next 5 years? and a mid range pc card might play at 1080p 60 games that are released today, not something that will release tomorrow. even if you suggest me a build for double the price, i won't half. been in the game and realised it's not for people not in a position to upgrade every 3 years (mid range builds).
waiting for patches, then waiting for drivers and the waiting goes on. bad ports on pc, unoptimized games and what not.

If budget is no issue, then no doubt a pc far superior.

How is the price of the console high? that was the main point of this conversation, how cheaper a console is compared to a decent pc build.

Spider man miles morales is 4k rs on ps store. which is 55$. that is the latest exclusive game.

If you see on the ps store now there are games like witcher 3 for as low as 450rs and many other games on sale as well. tbh, it is only the last two days I even thought of looking at how the consoles and their ecosystem fare now. I was pleasantly surprised.

I think the PS5 disc version would be much better deal as you can share the disc with friends or get used ones. With the digital version you are forced to buy at the premium always. The 10k extra can be made even if you get some 10-15 used games.
true, for a heavy gamer it makes no sense to go for digital. But for a casual, leisure time player not having the time and energy to buy and sell games going digital is the way. extra 10k saved can be used to buy games on sale and a couple latest exclusives

@psyph3r and wait what. from where did you get the info that ps5 can't do 4k 60 for most games? I've seen some people saying it drops to 1440p which is 2k certain times but that's the lowest. and it's dynamic resolution. so most times it might be running close to 4k doing 60.

now please don't tell me a mid range pc can even think of doing games at 4k 30 fps. let alone 60.

Now that I've looked into it more, ps5 digital is actually an incredible deal.
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How is the price of the console high? that was the main point of this conversation, how cheaper a console is compared to a decent pc build.

It's going to cost 60k here at least, if you already own most components like case+PSU+HDD then a pc build is a better option, one can opt for Ryzen 3600/10400+B450/B460+16GB+ used 1070/2060/1650s/1080 is sufficient for 1080p60 with enough room for upgradeability for the foreseeable future since no games have been announced/showcased that are pushing boundaries, yet.

everything is bound to run at 2-4k 60 fps rock solid and now it becomes a viable option for everybody.

@psyph3r and wait what. from where did you get the info that ps5 can't do 4k 60 for most games? I've seen some people saying it drops to 1440p which is 2k certain times but that's the lowest. and it's dynamic resolution. so most times it might be running close to 4k doing 60.

Yes it can run at 2k/4k but it always comes at the cost of visual fidelity/framerate as seen with the PS4 pro, No point bumping up resolutions if there isn't a correlative improvement in texture quality as well.

Spider man miles morales is 4k rs on ps store. which is 55$. that is the latest exclusive game.

Miles Morales isn't actually a full length title, it's more of a DLC that only takes 7 hours to finish which most reviewers conveniently failed to mention, hence the lower price.
60k for what? If you're talking PS5, prices are already announced. It's 39,999 for digital and 49,999 for disc.

It doesn't come at the cost of fidelity or framerate.

1070/2060/1650s/1080 is sufficient for 1080p60 with enough room for upgradeability for the foreseeable future since no games have been announced/showcased that are pushing boundaries, yet.
Is this a joke? 1070 in 2020 comparing to a ps5? Even at 1080p that thing would need constant adjustment to find the perfect setting between low-med, at the max high.
Why pay more and make adjustments when something better is available at a lower cost and higher convenience? Don't suggest going the used route please. we're talking about direct pc vs console value here.

Watch this.
60k for what? If you're talking PS5, prices are already announced. It's 39,999 for digital and 49,999 for disc.

It doesn't come at the cost of fidelity or framerate.

Wasn't aware that prices are announced, that's actually not bad if you don't have a PC.

Is this a joke? 1070 in 2020 comparing to a ps5? Even at 1080p that thing would need constant adjustment to find the perfect setting between low-med, at the max high.

Which games are you talking about ? I have a 1650s and I have a friend with a 1070, we pretty much play most games on the highest settings at 1080p.
Games running on the consoles always have lower texture quality, so a med-high setting on a 1070 is actually PS5 1080p60 or 4k30.

Which games are you talking about ? I have a 1650s and I have a friend with a 1070, we pretty much play most games on the highest settings at 1080p.
Games running on the consoles always have lower texture quality, so a med-high setting on a 1070 is actually PS5 1080p60 or 4k30.

Games running on consoles having lower texture quality is a thing of past. A ps5 blows away something like 1070 and likes. A more reasonable comparison would be with 2070 or 3060 ti.

please do not bring in older gen ps4 and ps4 pros. talking specifically about new gen consoles which are ps5 and xbox series x (not considering the lower priced one).

If you do a logical comparison one can see how much of an incredible value the ps5 is compared a decent pc build. exclusive games are a huge plus as well. Of course, like i previously said if budget is no concern (1 lakh+ builds at least) and upgrading every 2-3 years is a non issue, a pc is definitely superior.
Actually there aren't that many games out yet to arrive at a conclusion, not saying the PS5 is bad value or starting a PC vs console fanboy war, I actually intended to source either a 3060/3060Ti from the US along with a PS5 for the exclusives, but at 40k it's better to buy it locally instead.
My point was, games haven't being pushing boundaries for quite a while and you can still max out any game at 1080p on a 1070 barring the ones that have a botched launch so there's no point getting into hypothetical PC build debates especially when the PC market has been in shambles for the past year.
if you already have a pc, then a ps5 might not look like a great deal but if you're a first time buyer or completely replacing an old rig, that's when the value proposition of ps5 truly shines. 1070 was once a very high end card.
also, no offence but while the ps5 can do 2-4k 60 fps with great details with upcoming games for the next 5 years, comparing it with a card that can run most games at high-very high settings only at 1080p till today with no guarantee of running upcoming games in similar settings is a little too illogical. it's not a debate, it's a straight up fact.
I don't think you still got my point, just bumping the resolution does not make the game look better when texture quality remains the same and we haven't seen that yet with current gen conclusively because we haven't seen that many games yet.
That was what I meant when I brought up my time with the Witcher 3 on the PS4 Pro, yes the game was running at 4k but it looked horrid in comparison to how it looks and runs on the PC even with a midrange GPU.
I only brought up the 1070 amongst other GPUs when I wasn't aware that the price of the PS5 was announced, as for running the games with no guarantee it applies to consoles as well with the current trend of mid-gen upgrades.
I don't think you still got my point, just bumping the resolution does not make the game look better when texture quality remains the same and we haven't seen that yet with current gen conclusively because we haven't seen that many games yet.
That was what I meant when I brought up my time with the Witcher 3 on the PS4 Pro, yes the game was running at 4k but it looked horrid in comparison to how it looks and runs on the PC even with a midrange GPU.
I only brought up the 1070 amongst other GPUs when I wasn't aware that the price of the PS5 was announced, as for running the games with no guarantee it applies to consoles as well with the current trend of mid-gen upgrades.
Resolution does make a great difference when you're gaming on a big screen tv. like really big difference. don't know what you mean here.

also bro I already said a couple of times, please don't bring in older gen consoles, that's not what we're discussing here. It looked horrible because of 30 fps, and not because of lower texture.

Guarantee does apply to consoles. Take any game from 2013-2018 that doesn't run as promised on the consoles. Same goes for previous gen consoles as well.
I'm pretty sure it was not just the framerate because I was replaying TW3 at the time so the diff was significant to my eye at least.
Anyways we're indirectly getting into the never-ending age old PC vs console debate. Let's return to this topic when more games have released for the current gen and then see how it compares with the newer range of mid-range GPUs.
Saw a post today saying PS5 can be pre-book from the 12of Jan for an India launch in feb.
40k for the digital version and 50k for the one with the drive
I'm pretty sure it was not just the framerate because I was replaying TW3 at the time so the diff was significant to my eye at least.
Anyways we're indirectly getting into the never-ending age old PC vs console debate. Let's return to this topic when more games have released for the current gen and then see how it compares with the newer range of mid-range GPUs.

This time it's not like the usual debate friend. Consoles never could play at 60 fps and that in itself made it a non-option for most people. If you found graphics to. be worse than a low-mid gpu, then there was some problem with your friend's device. I tried COD Warzone on my r9 280x and compared to it to PS4, guess what. Even though ps4 plays at 30, it looked much better than potato quality with no AA and juddery frame rate upto 60 on my pc. not even mentioning about mic issues and the amount of time to adjust the settings it took.

btw you're right about one thing. Looks like games from now on are going to cost 70$ which is just insane. Going digital sounds like a poor idea now. I was wrong there. @SPIMaster you're right getting the disc version is a better deal in every way.
I'm sorry you're probably using a potato pc and mic, I have over 200 hours clocked playing MW+plunder on a i5 4440+RX470 as well as my current 3600+1650s (both of which were entry level GPUs) and I have yet to face any issues, nor did I have to spend time tweaking any settings,
GeForce experience has an optimize button for all games which automatically sets the best settings based on your PC specs with the option to alternate within performance and quality. You're also not mentioning that the PS4 FOV is locked to 60 which is horrendous for a FPS. I play crossplatform with my buddies on the PS4 and those guys struggle to spot enemies most of the time due to the locked FOV.

You seem to have strong opinions about the platforms you use going by your comments on that other Apple vs. Android thread, like I said already I don't want to turn this thread into a PC vs. console thing,

I'm sorry you're probably using a potato pc and mic, I have over 200 hours clocked playing MW+plunder on a i5 4440+RX470 as well as my current 3600+1650s (both of which were entry level GPUs) and I have yet to face any issues, nor did I have to spend anytime tweaking any settings,
GeForce experience has an optimize button for all games which automatically sets the best settings based on your PC specs with the option to alternate within performance and quality. You're also not mentioning that the PS4 FOV is locked to 60 which is horrendous for a FPS. I play crossplatform with my buddies on the PS4 and those guys struggle to spot enemies most of the time due to the locked FOV.

You seem to have strong opinions about the platforms you use going by your comments on that other Apple vs. Android thread, like I said already I don't want to turn this thread into a PC vs. console thing,
I already mentioned what pc I have and when I bought it.

"You seem to have strong opinions about the platforms you use going by your comments on that other Apple vs. Android thread, like I said already I don't want to turn this thread into a PC vs. console thing,"

lol I don't even have a ps console yet. what i still have is my gaming rig. maybe it's time to introspect and see if that's what you're doing?

You brought different illogical points and I have answered them all as fairly as possible and when you don't have anything else to defend your pc you come up with this? nice.

I didn't judge you for your comments on the vaccine thread. If I did i wouldn't have started a convo with you. Don't mix things pls.

Game up brother, new gen consoles are excellent value for money and give mid range pc builds a run for its money. If you took the time to read properly you'll find that I repeatedly mentioned if budget is no bar, a pc is far superior.
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