Playstation Expereince - TE Exclusive

The Sorcerer

Jun 16, 2007

Playstation has answered back and it was quiet a good answer. :hap2:
Some loved the event but some decided good enough. I say something is better then nothing, but this is a huge level up upgrade considering the fact, no1 puts a good expo. For others who haven't seen the events, here are the pictures.

I didnt go to the second day of the expo, I wouldnt be suprised if Tech 2:bleh: used the whole day. I didnt know who Robert Miller was but when I found out, he was standing in a corner with a puzzled face and then he was giving out autograph and photo sessions. Some idiots were playing games like idiots but there were many good players with good skills.

Many with no skills gave shot on NFS, ridge racer and motocross. This was the first time I seen nfs and its one of the worst ever nfs game I ever seen. I have no idea what did E.A. is upto next but be sure that it wouldnt be a real "highly anticipated". They decided to put a theme styled section for racing with go kart racers. Silly it might be holding a joystick when there is a steering wheel:rofl:, you have to sit on it and drive on the ps3


Ridge racer seemed to be a good game but not exactly good enough. As a sequel, well-it did do its job.
Thankfully, portal and medal of honor didnt go through that fate. Medal of honor: Airbourne did catch my eye and attention. Excellent game, graphics and it has "I AM MEDAL OF HONOR GAME" ALL OVER IT. The enemy AI seems to be smarter and does more then being a target practice on easy settings.


Thankfully, portal and medal of honor didnt go through that fate. Medal of honor: Airbourne did catch my eye and attention. Excellent game, graphics and it has "I AM MEDAL OF HONOR GAME" ALL OVER IT. The enemy AI seems to be smarter and does more then being a target practice on easy settings.



Some games caught my attention and resistance: fall of man was one of them. I managed to catch some glimpse of the game before the crowd came in like ants but sadly some idiot was keep on shooting in the air grenading herself....yes it was a girl but not one of those t-shirt wallis (hell no way i am calling them boothbabes).



The "official" price for 40gb ps3 is 24 grands and they showcased about slim psp. I thought they would give some freebies for the people coming in....for free without singing :S. I am a sucker for freebies ever since gamer tv sent me a bag and their cap, always catches attention XD.

unchartered and God of war 2 were displayed but none of the technicians there properly set the resolution right it it looked as if we are playing a pixelated high resolution game. Others were playing fight night, fifa, lair, def jam (silly little game) and a good looking heavenly swords.

Portal looked great at playstation. Though I felt racing genre was a dissapointment for me, it was soon cemented over the goodness of playstation displayed on FPS and action games

Simpsons-The game
I loved this game. Nothing but total irrelevance and lots of donut fun. The puzzles here involving bart and Homer simpson even puts Lara croft's struggling antics to shame.

Ranchet and clank was my favorite on ps2, psp and also seems to be the same on ps3.
more photos coming soon. Internet became slow :mad:

Part 2:

The same models were used throughout the event. Some of them were 37 inches which was used in the ones in the car games because of the go karts.

psp slim was shown off and there were in the bus stop stand they made.

Sony loves to show off their gadgets and we seen in e3 videos as well. This is more like a good promotion regarding games-considering the fact they arent good looking things to play with in India, but it shows-it will change.

Honestly speaking I didn't know how I ended up with journalists there but I was in the press session so I asked couple of questions:

Mistaken Identify fanboy: Will there be a price cut on the games since they are way expensive then xbox counterparts?
Teh dude in the coat: (after the usual cheesy company dialouges) We are working on it.
Mistaken Identity fanboy: What about open source support (I asked this question because the CEO of the sony playstation confirmed at channelnews asia at 4 o' clock in the morning that they are planning to get support with open source and will try to work with previous open source developers)
Teh dude in the coat: They are all rumours. Sony develops very good softwares and we intend to stick by it (DUDE WTF 0.o)
After the session some girl called me for a photo session with the psp slim and the guy....hahahahahahahah yeah she was cute but didnt get her photo:

I snuck off over there and to the cafeteria outside. And the prices are expensive as the game one of the most hilarious-dahi vada at Rs. 250.
Coming back to the game:

Fight night round 4 looked good but it more looked like a playstation 2 game, same goes for EA's fifa 08.

Honestly speaking I wouldnt be suprised if these games were designed for playstation 2, but they decided to earn an extra buck and put it on playstation 3. After seeing EA games doing these things I can say in homer simpson style: DOUH WHY YOU LITTLE....

Some trailers were shown in the home theatre section of the playstation 3. Thats where I saw the new game-turned-action flim The hitman. I didnt understand one thing, out of all the bald thin creepy men in the world, they chose a guy who seems to be in tension rather then with a cold stare class look:


Lair looked amazing with the sixaxis over here. But the whole event didnt concentrate on sixaxis. It was sad considering the fact that sony japan and others banked on sixaxis but the Indian version did not:

But enough about the complains-it was great.

All i can say-overall, its great. I wish i could have hanged on more, but if this much can happen from 11 o' clock till 5 on day 1, we are going on a right track to have game expos in the future and maybe something like e3 here.

One thing for sure, its nice to get the "before the event starts" pics all thanks to this cap I won ages ago.
I will be checking out the new expo which is coming out and mmrda grounds called COM IT this 7th to 10th december and again-Its going to be a tech enclave exclusive.

The Sorcerer

Jun 16, 2007
^^ there is more but dammit my net is closing down. All I can add more is I seen the singstar bollywood which I thought is the highlight but it was more like a showcase rather then highlighting. They also placed eyetoy for ps3 but sadly, it was placed with a bad set of game and also on a bad location. sorry i couldnt more pictures that i have for now. Will post it in the night.

Yes I tried the game. Even though it was badly configured, I loved the puzzles and the action in unchartered. Worthy adversary to Gears of War and succeeded where Tomb Raider failed badly. Heavenly swords is good. It more looked like gears of war but the game designers did a very good job to put its own uniqueness. Certain part of the game will remind you of Prince of Persia warrior within, onimusha, Devil may cry 3 and also God of war, but its good as well. I am seeing good compilation games so far. Just like in the days of ps2, ps3 does say-slow and steady wins the day. If they bring the game price lower by maybe manufacturing the game here rather then importing it, it will sure be a total knockout and xbox 360's days will be numbered.


Mar 17, 2005
which if im not mistaken.. was a damp squib coz some hotel guests complained was disturbing their beauty sleep :p


May 23, 2007
nice long were you their in the expo, if u tried all those games, it must have been the whole day!!!

The Sorcerer

Jun 16, 2007
hotel is filled with aunties and uncle. one Has to expect imported aunties and uncles whinning. :hap2:

I was there only from 10:30 to 4 o clock. They told some people to wait out but i snuck in. Some of the pics was when they were doing some finishing touches. I was wearing a, so they must have thought i have come on their behalf or something :p.

Anyways guys theres an expo at mmrda grounds, bandra between 7-10 december-according to the billboard infront of Sri Adhikari brothers building at malad. this is the site:

COM-IT EXPO 2007 - India's largest Annual International Exhibition & Conference on Computer, IT Products & Services

Anyone want to check it out????

The Sorcerer

Jun 16, 2007
^^ official price for ps3 40gb is 24k. In alfa they are selling for 20k but with no warranty. In my expereince, sayonara at linking road sells better grey market items, but grey market items are always with risks.


Jun 16, 2005
No booth babes :( ..

Shd have taken photos of the girl whose legs are being shown in the pic.Btw as for the hitman movie does the guy still have the cheerful face cause I saw the IMDB review,asked some of the ppl who saw it and it seems hitman makes wisecracks :O .


Mar 17, 2005

wen did u see de slim??

i was there throughout day one.. nd de slim was NOT there in the bus stand.. they had just de normal phat model. asked around nd was told tht slim was not avl...

also.. de games for eyetoy were brilliant!!!

if u went all alone or wid jus 1-2 other pals you wouldnt have noticed.. meesa went wid 4 other fellows... had a blast.. :D