Playstation Plus - Discussion Thread

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First they fcked up the psn store but they were not satisfied. They went ahead and released a totally useless crap fw 4.30.
What's wrong with the store and the new update? it's pretty good IMO, allows you to sync trophies while playing a game.

PSN store Works perfectly fine for me , loving the futuristic design, more sorting options and pretty zippy, loads faster and most importantly less navigating around.
^^maybe for you but for me and many others its damn slow.Slower than the first.Moreover personally i dont like the new design.
About trophies yes syncing on the fly is good. But once you are offline and bam! trophies gone!
I can see all my trophies after signing out from PSN.

Old PS store was slow for me and navigating was a b*tch, the icons wouldn't load. It was literally shooting in the dark. Glad to see that fixed hopefully it would get fixed for you too.

Beats the old store and XBOX dashboard by a mile.
^^sorry about the trophies, checked yeah it works in offline too.:) Maybe its the only thing good.Moreover i dont need singstar but still i cant remove it.
Why is that? Is there no option to remove it from the options available?

Nope None :(

Also if you install a new demo ('F1 All Stars' - in my case) SingStar still stays on Top.

Not to mention it won't even go into PS3 Games/Demo Folder.

Hope the next firmware release will add feature to remove it.

OT - @Gannu - Bought 'Resistance - The Trilogy' on Saturday.
Resistance 1 was not connecting to the Multiplayer Server. Single player - Initially had a hard time aiming but fortunately cleared level 1 so now have replenishing health.
Resistance 2 & 3 needed patches but was able to connect. (Both combined around 1.4 GB - not good news for someone on Failtel with FUP)
Resistance 2 - K/D ratio 23/62. Pretty horrible I know.
Resistance 3 - Just got pwned. K/D Ratio 2/14. Sad considering I joined an on going game with time-limit of 10 minutes.
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How much space does that demo occupy on the drive? If it isn't much, it shouldn't be a major annoyance. Just leave it be. You can format your drive after some time by backing up the profile.

As for the Resistance trilogy, looks like you are planning for some MP action over SP? It might take some time to get used to the controller especially while playing a FPS. I recall getting my arse handed over when I played KZ2 and this was the third or fourth title IIRC. Do not worry, you will get the hang of it a bit later.
^ Wanted them for the campaigns but I didn't want to start all 3 at the same time. Did play the first level of first 2 games. The 3rd game went for a 1 GB update. So I only played the multiplayer then saw the first cut scene huge spoiler there and quit it. Not to mention I had to go through 4 shops in 3 locations and demos of Killzone 3, Killzone 3 (3D), Motorstorm Apocalypse and Infamous 2 were also on the 3rd disk and I wanted to try them.

Will continue tonight in first game - 2 days of Diwali.
Crysis 2 free on Playstation Plus. Gotta love this service. They should really come out with new offline only platinum version.

Happy Diwali!
Is Crysis 2 still available?

(On an unrelated note, can someone suggest an affordable unlimited 2/4mbps plan?)
No Crysis 2 is back to 1899/- IINM.

Hadn't logged into PSN for some time now realized GTA:SA is available. Instant purchase for me, now if it would only install correctly.
Yeah, saw it last month and snagged Batman Arkham City when I didnt have access to the PS3.

Once a game is downloaded and installed, what happens to the download file? Does the PS3 clean up such files by itself?
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