PC Peripherals Please Config My New Rig - Budget 40k to 60k



It's been a while I am visiting this GREAT forum. Now I am going for a new PC and I want all you friends to decide the config for me.

I am including all the information I can so that it HELP's you to understand my needs and build the PC accordingly.

Requirment Overview

I am a IT professional & my PC use is for software & web development. I have to work on softwares like photoshop, dreamweaver, etc. and so want a PC which can handle them without any NOISE.

I don't use my PC to play GAMES, but if I can play games on your config, I will :) .


Anywhere from 40k to 60k. It doesn't matter actually. But I will be happy if I get a Solid PC for my requirements in less budget.


Initially I had decided C2D E6600, but due to the present price cut I want you to decide. I am not into OC and only OC if the motherboard supports GUI OC.


I am not at all satisifed with the original Intel MB and hence want to go for another MB this time. Going by the reviews I really want to go for ASUS as it has some cool features like GUI Overclocking, Noise COntrol, Remote, Stack Cool, WiFi, etc. But if you can recommend me a better MB than ASUS please do so.


I am planning for 2GB RAM. About what Mhz & DDR2 or DDR3 - I have NO CLUE! Please suggest me the BEST suitable for my needs. Also do tell me which has better performance Corsair, OCZ or Kingston ?


Again, NO CLUE whatsoever as I have never assembled my PC's for games. The only thing I know is this time I am going to buy one.

Please suggest the one as per my requirements of software & web development with a good VISTA experience. Also whether to go for Nvidia or ATI ?


Not going for Seagate HDD this time. Though Seagate has performed very well for me, it's noise irritates alot.

Going by online reviews I have come to a conclusion that Hitachi HDD's are the BEST & SILENT performers. Also WD reviews are Good. But again I will go for what you suggest me :) .


Without doubt the one with Good SMPS + Good Space + Good Ventilation. Good looks an added advantage :) .

Sound Card

Not Decided as most of the motherboards have it on borad.


19" LCD's are not for me as I am not into gaming. I prefer 17" LCD's as it gives me good view of my web development. Currently I am using Samsung Syncmaster 710N 17".

I am happy with Samsung but want to go for BenQ, Sony or LG this time as I have heard they are much better than Samsung. Not sure about ViewSonic.


Yes , I am going for them. Suggest me a good 5.1 speaker system.

Cooling System

Not decided, please suggest. The only thing I want is a SILENT system without any noise.

Keyboard Mouse

Currently using Logitech MX 3000 Cordless Keyboard+Mice. Want to go for a better & new one.

So I think I have included details on everything. I hope this HELP's you understand my requirements and suggesting me a good config.

Also, I am based in Pune but planning to buy this time from lamington road, Mumbai. So if anyone knows the BEST shops with BEST price deals on lamington road, please let me know.

Looking forward for all your suggestions & replies.

Best Regards,