Please guys help nab this culprit and help my Sister

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before going into physical beating ,, just a word of caution , you guys can beat him once and let him go but if hes a crazie... he might retaliate towards the girl after a month. so i hope you dont go down that path.
just block the number , if he calls from another sim, block that number , eventually hes going to get bored and leave
There are so many possible reasons, by which one's number get spread without their awareness.

1. If the SIM is bought from the SIM-sales-person in a corporate company, there is a high chance that one's number can be traced. For example, if i'm working in ABC company and my corporate bought SIM is 99999-99992, then my colleagues (person who i know or not) may have my subsequent numbers - 99999-99992/3/4/5/6...etc.

2. If she do the easy-recharge in a mobile shop, there's even a high risk that her number got spread. Because, the easy recharge guys write one's number in a note (In some shop, i've seen writing them in a paper bit) and then do the recharge with their Privileged-mobiles.

3. As someone said above, she may have given her number to drivers/cab-persons in her corporate world. She may even ordered a pizza with her mobile number. In most cases, persons who are very close to the ones overpowers the victim.

4. Ask her friends, whether any of them lost mobiles recently. If Yes, there's a likey chance that her numbers got looted from theirs. Some of her friends may have assigned her picture to the saved-mobile-number-of-hers. You've said that TROLL-person described in a way she'have seen her. Though she's not using fb/g+, there's another chance that her photo got tagged by someone by a friend in the stolen-mobile.

Nowadays, most of the mobile-providers are providing FREE-SIM. If a mobile-shop-owner is my friend, i can even get the SIM for free without leaving an evidence. This harassment comes under Cyberstalking/Cyberbullying.

It is sad to say India has no separate LAW for Cyber-stalk/bullying, however that TROLL can be arrested under Section 509 IPC of Indian legislature.It states like below.

509. Word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.-- Whoever, intending to insult the modesty of any woman, utters any word, makes any sound or gesture, or exhibits any object, intending that such word or sound shall be heard, or that such gesture or object shall be seen, by such woman, or intrudes upon the privacy of such woman, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both.

As a suggestion, don't physical-encounter with the troll. It may lead to unnecessary attraction in future, if the TROLL got friends. Most of the numbers got exchanged between the friends-circles. Hope all turns well.

[This is really a sad news for you. But i love your +ve way of approaching things with the smileys in the post]
Let me give you some practical advise.

1. If you think beating the guy blue and black will stop him,then you are mistaken.
2. Deranged sobs like these need a FIR complained against them with a proper jail and perhaps a psychiatric help.

Do not get initimidated, try your best to hand him over to police. If you can get his home address via BSNL, go to his home with police. Sight of police on doorstep bring a lot of such majnus on line, especially in full sight of family and neighbors.
There was similar case shown on Crime Patrol last week.. Please coordinate with police, only they have authority to get the information from the service providers, which is very crucial piece in handling such cases.
Yesterday we once again went to same police station but this time we met some ood person their, a senior inspector who got transferred from Mumbai police to here in Pune. He straightway said that pune police is hopeless in this matter as his personal experience here till now. He took our matter in hands itself ans asked for two xerox of the fir copy we had. HE asked us to give 3-4 days to get the complete call list of the perverts no. and he was very constructive in his way of approach. Me and sis were impressed by his idea. But now hope all what he said falls in place.

For the time dont dial/ try his cell no.

irfanlai: Yes I'll be doing that as my last resort.

m-jeri: Ya i agree to it. But again, if thought practically who wont behave the way i expressed my anger in those words you pointed to.

kippu: Physical beating in presence of police is what I meant. I have already blocked his no.

Gearbox: The sim was bought from a gallery and no agent was involved. Yes easy recharge is done but as per her knowledge she has always personally typed the no. on the shopkeepers handset and recharged. No question of any cab or corporate world as she doesnt work in any org. but works on online business projects which is purely professional and of international standards. None of her pals have lost their phones as of yet an have uploaded her or their group snaps on any social sites as she is very strict in giving her snaps and her friends too are very understanding about girls in their groups and also due to awareness of crime patrol and daily newspaper dosages, now a days guys dont post/publish their girls/groups snaps on fb etc.
Approach the BSNL office. My sis used to get almost similar kind of calls. He used to cut the calls whenever I used to answer. We approached Airtel office first who said they can't give out the exact address but was helpful in giving out the Name and his Area of living. So, next I messaged him that I know who you are and if you continue I'll come to your area with my friends and will beat the crap out of you. He stopped.

As a precaution please ask your sister to always give a wrong number or dummy number when asked by strangers like Cabs etc. Always do online recharge and pay bills online.
Approach the BSNL office. My sis used to get almost similar kind of calls. He used to cut the calls whenever I used to answer. We approached Airtel office first who said they can't give out the exact address but was helpful in giving out the Name and his Area of living. So, next I messaged him that I know who you are and if you continue I'll come to your area with my friends and will beat the crap out of you. He stopped.

As a precaution please ask your sister to always give a wrong number or dummy number when asked by strangers like Cabs etc. Always do online recharge and pay bills online.

Nice hearing this.
But did u guys approached airtel directly or first launched an fir with local police and then on that fir copy did airtel agreed to reveal the details?
We did not go to the police. The Airtel rep was kind enough to give the details without the complaint copy. It would take just a few minutes even if you go to police. Just get the xerox copy of the complaint and go into BSNL office. I'm sure they would help out.
As you said, your sister does an online business. So she would be spending a lot of time online, possibly even leaving traces of her life on the web. Girls love to update their statuses frequently about where they are, where they went, what they did etc. So this guy, possibly got to know her on the web and then tracing her digital footprints found her online profiles and through that learned a lot about her. Now he is using that information in tricking her to believe that he knows her personally.

First step, ask your sister to take all her personally identifiable information off the web, restrict her online profile, sweep out people from her friend list whom she doesn't know very well etc.

Next thing, when he calls back tell him, we've filed a formal complaint against you and the officers are tapping my phone. So if you keep calling, they will find you. That should make him stop.

These are typical coward cyberstalkers, they like to play in the shadows but when confronted they chicken out and run back to their homes. Happens more often in north.
If you guys think beating that guy is right option, certainly it is not. All you can do is ignore such fellows. I don't say, just run away from such a personalities. Just ignore. One real example happened with my friend's sister. Her family insisted her to talk with him and agree to meet. She (and her family) went at the location. They found him and beaten him so hard. He was not in town for next couple of months but after that he came back and started humiliating that girl physically in public.

Usually psycho personalities can't tolerate the insult and they become more violent in such cases. If they have guts to talk on phone like that, they can reach the height of being violent. Fact!!!

I would say, put his number on black list. Be around your sister all the time. Take a look around and check if anyone is stalking and following your sister. Tell her to keep Pepper spray, knife or what so ever in her purse.
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