This in-depth review might be helpful to understand why this seasonic model is preferred by many.
To better understand working of a PSU, also refer to this
And excellent choice of components. You are settled for next 2 years, gaming on high settings at 1080p resolution with 60+ FPS in most of the games. R9-270X is awesome card in the 15K category. Playing skyrim right now, with everything maxed out. without any issue. And Titanfall as well. BF4 will suffer some loss in FPS while playing with Ultra setting, but I am sure it will fetch 40+ FPS. Some games are made to sweat entire system. Games like crysis, Metro etc.
Thanks for this information, mate. I actually did check out that review yesterday and I understand that the Seasonic SII is one of best PSUs in its class. What I still don't understand is why are the others (the ones I mentioned in my earlier post) almost never recommended considering their significantly lower price.
Thanks for your words. You guys have been absolutely instrumental in helping me finally deciding on a configuration. Coming from the kind of rig that I currently own, this will feel like a freaking supercomputer.