Monitors Please suggest 24" monitor .

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Err...u r 100% wrong...Its the upgraded version of V2400HD..LED ..same panel with a webcam, speaker, DVI and USB support:)

Much better features than the vanilla DELL..DELL looks average and has no HDMI, USB, camera or Speakers, i guess even headphone jack:S
mebaali said:
^^If i am not wrong BenQ M2400HD is LCD not LED
Oops....sorry... compared the V2400 and M2400 in the official website but missed on the LED/LCD part:(

Sorry for the confusion

mebaali said:
^^I don't know from where you got that notion, but here is the official BenQ link OF M2400HD BenQ India - Computing

It clearly states the model as LCD not LED if you still have doubts
@Madovkvicky-what is your budget? Currently Dell G2410 and BenQ V2400 Eco are available under 16k.

@Vercetti-No problemo buddy.

TBH, M2400HD is bit pricey for a TN Panel (had this been available for around 13k then it would be much better VFM)
Hoping Samsung launches their XL2370 ... its supposedly had Press meet in Novemeber but isnt available still anywhere
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