PC Peripherals Please suggest a cabinet

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Guys, I'm looking for a cabinet that I can place horizontally, like an HTPC cabinet.
But I don't want a small HTPC cabinet. I need a regular Mid-tower or full-tower sized cabinet that can accomodate ATX MoBo, 3-4 HDDs, a few case fans, radiator etc.
Budget: 5000, can go a bit higher.
I've considered the CM Elite 360, but it's a bit cramped. Lian-li has a few cabbys, but I'm guessing they're way over my budget.
Alternatively, are there any regular cabinets which would allow me to rotate the Optical Drive bay?
Any suggestions, guys?
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devesh38 said:
Nzxt evo for a vertical one. has all things in it, and total VFM.

Don't want a vertical one. It needs to be horizontal and my printer is going to be placed on top of it. Space constraints.
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