Please suggest configuration for high end video production & editing. (Rs.80,000)

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Hey, some good advice in this thread.

I'm in a similar position. Let me share what i've been researching (and obsessing about) for the last few weeks. It might be quite relevant since its also being looked at from a video editing POV :

  • H67 : Has built in graphics, but no overclocking.
  • P67 : Has overclocking abilities, but no built in graphics
  • Z68 : Has the advantages of both the above. But more-so, it also supports SSD caching and Lucidlogix Virtu GPU Virtualization (this in particular might be useful to you?).
  • (I'm still deciding between the ASUS P8Z68-V and the ASUS P8Z68-V LE)
  • i5 2500K might have a much better bang for the buck than the i7, but it doesn't have hyperthreading -- which apparently most adobe programs will make use of.
  • i7 2600 - Uses Intel HD Graphics 2000
  • i7 2600K - Uses Intel HD Graphics 3000 (12 "somethings" in the chip vs 6 of the 2600). Probably worth paying the extra $20 for. I'm gonna buy this.
  • 1600Mhz is the sweet spot between performance and reasonable price.
  • Your MoBo needs to support OCing the RAM (since 1600 isnt officially supported by these processors). You're in the clear with the Z68. Not sure about the others. Check.
  • I'm getting a friend to bring in 4x4GB from It works out about Rs 2 - 3,000 cheaper

Graphics Card
(from team-bhp ;) )
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That's a great post rrb. Thanks a lot. Now I am sure that I want a z68 chipset because I am impressed by Intel's smart response technology. Also I was looking for good dealers in chennai and good that I came to know about the IT depot. They seem to be professional and the prices are competitive.

I am planning to visit one of their showrooms and buy stuff in person rather than spending a lot of money in shipping and taking the risk of damage in shipping.

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rrb, ASUS P8Z68-V "LE" vs the other ASUS Z68s - AnandTech Forums has the difference between the two.
As i repeated earlier the 580 measure 10.5 inches in length.. any cabinet namely the elite 3xx series or even the 4xx series is insufficient for it... the elite 331 and 430 do not have a turned hdd cage so it would hamper the installation of the gpu if the hdd's are projecting into the case..

You need to understand that when you are using high end components, skimping out on a cheap cabbby with terrible airflow will reduce the life of the components as the cpu will be used maximally when converting video and ram extensively when rendering..

I also agree with cranky that you need more RAM.. more RAM is faster rendering, but a GPU is also important as rrb suggested as the premiere pro uses the mercury playback engine for smoother playback.. hence the suggestions:)
^^mrcool you missed the part that NZXT Gamma may be cheap in price but not in build quality and the high end cabinets features it offers for the price... Plus it has sideways HDD bays so installing and removing GPU wouldn't really be a problem... And the money which will get saved by going with NZXT Gamma... he can invest a better motherboard...


If you are not going to add another GPU in the future then i would advice you to go with Asus P8Z68 M Pro ~ 8.9k which is an absolute VFM mobo...
@ BikeAdvice :

Thanks for that comparison link. Its quite hard to find reliable info on the "LE", but that seemed spot on. I think i might still just buy the plain "-V" (not the LE)...

ITDepot seems to have quite competitive pricing (though MoBos were cheaper on primeABGB's website).

What i'm really going crazy about is trying to find a GOOD deal on the Dell 2007FP (to sit alongside by 2407WFP). Anyone have any hints?


rrb said:
@ BikeAdvice :

Thanks for that comparison link. Its quite hard to find reliable info on the "LE", but that seemed spot on. I think i might still just buy the plain "-V" (not the LE)...

ITDepot seems to have quite competitive pricing (though MoBos were cheaper on primeABGB's website).

What i'm really going crazy about is trying to find a GOOD deal on the Dell 2007FP (to sit alongside by 2407WFP). Anyone have any hints?



If you are going to use dual monitors, go for same model with same size. Else it sucks. I am using G2210 x 2. Works great.



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BikeAdvice said:
If you are going to use dual monitors, go for same model with same size. Else it sucks. I am using G2210 x 2. Works great.

View attachment 17614

I think rrb intends to use the 2007FP in portrait mode :-)

Also, SRT aka SSD caching is a completely useless feature, especially when one has the budget to just go out and buy a bigger SSD.
stalker said:
I think rrb intends to use the 2007FP in portrait mode :-)

Also, SRT aka SSD caching is a completely useless feature, especially when one has the budget to just go out and buy a bigger SSD.

So no use of buying a M/B with SRT if we are going to use SSD for the major applications. Right. I did not think in than angle. It is just easy to buy stuff which is greatest and latest. The real difficult thing is analyzing what we want and need and being frugal.
BikeAdvice said:
If you are going to use dual monitors, go for same model with same size. Else it sucks. I am using G2210 x 2. Works

I already have a Dell 2407WFP, and as far as I can tell the 2007FP is exactly the same height, same 1200px vertical resolution and same product look. Hence my keenness (hopefully it will also be an IPS).
stalker said:
I think rrb intends to use the 2007FP in portrait mode :-)

A 4:3 in portrait mode? :P Nope, thats not my intention.

stalker said:
Also, SRT aka SSD caching is a completely useless feature, especially when one has the budget to just go out and buy a bigger SSD.

Yep, overall, for most of us the SSD caching is not really that useful, but it does have a few cool advantages.

For example -- if you have a 1TB drive and an SSD, you can just install EVERYTHING (OS, Programs and data) to the 1TB drive, and then just transparently slip in the SSD, and the SSD Caching feature will automatically handle the rest.

Ofcourse, this is mostly useful if you have a small SSD (32 - 64GB).

However, in cases like BikeAdvice, where he'll probably be working with 40GB of video per project (just a guess), it might make sense to have a 120GB SSD, and use SSD Caching? That might speed up project work, without the stress off "will all the raw footage, and project renderings fit on this SSD with my OS?".

Though the bummer is that its still NOT as fast as just the SSD. Infact its slower than a mechanical drive on the first read (while it caches to SSD).

Here's a good article : Intel Makes Caching Easy : Intel Z68 Express Chipset Preview: SSD Caching And Quick Sync

The lucidlogic virtu technology is something that I think bikeadvice might be interested in with the Z68. Personally, it seems to be a hit-or-miss technology at the moment, and i haven't been able to figure out exactly how useful it will be in real life. Though when it comes to things like transcoding video, using Intel's inbuilt quicksync technology is BY FAR the fastest, and there's no way you'd have access to that if you had a dedicated gfx card -- unless you use virtu.

I have decided to bring down the budget a little bit. My video projects are not going to be very long and all videos are not going to be in HD to start with. May be later I will buy a kick ass PC and give this to my wife for gaming. (This will also be used for gaming now and then by my wife!)

1 TB HDDs I will buy a little later. I have some old HDDs lying around which I can use for the time being.

This is the config I have finalized for now. Items marked in bold are already ordered/purchased. Items with no price are already owned. Please comment on the config.

Total Rs. 57,625.00

Processor Intel® Core™ i5 2500 Processor - 3.3 GHz, 6 MB Cache, Socket 1155 Rs. 10,900.00
Motherboard Intel® Desktop Board DH67BL-B3 uATX, Socket 1155 Rs. 5,200.00
Memory (RAM) 2* Corsair RAM Desktop DDR3 4GB 1333 MHz Value Select Rs. 2,600.00
Graphics Adapter MSI N560GTX-Ti Twin Frozr II 2GD5/OC Rs. 16,400.00 SMC Intl. Power Supply SeaSonic S12II 520 Bronze 520W ATX12V V2.3 Rs. 3,700.00 TheItWares
Optical Drive LG Rs. 950.00
Hard Disk Intel 120GB 6GB/s 320 Series Rs. 15,500.00
Input Devices Razer Mechanical Keyboard + Ms Mouse
Cabinet NZXT Gamma Rs. 2,375.00 TheITDepot
Display G2210 Dell
Speakers Dell PC Speakers
ggt said:
I remember you had a dell u2311 right?

I have been using 2* G2210 for a while.

U2410 I bought but it was for my bro. He is using it now.

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After watching this video I feel like going in for a dual OS - Win 7 and OS X

Is a Hackintosh Really Worth it? - YouTube

Will this config comfortably support OS X? Will there be any compatibility issues with the components?
Little OT.

One of my firends wanted to to basic HD video editing and photo editing in 20K what mobo and processors you guys recommend ?
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