Budget 51-70k Please suggest me a gaming laptop for 70K.


I've been given 70K to buy a new work laptop but I can buy any laptop of my choice, so why not a gaming one? I've been a console player for years now so I don't know what to look for.

I'll play over HDMI, so I'd like the graphics to be decent on a 55" 4K TV - currently, I have an XSX and a PS4 Pro. It should last me for about 4-5 years and come with a standard 15" screen, backlit keyboard with numpad, HD camera/mic, etc. for office work and have good support (Bangalore).

I am guessing that's pretty much it, you can let me know if I am missing anything. Please note I can only buy a laptop and cannot use this money for a desktop. Also, should I wait for a sale, or is now a good time as any? TIA.
See: if you're going to play with a controller and already have an Xbox Series X, you will probably find many of the games on that platform already. You have the opportunity to really optimize for your work on your laptop - prioritizing weight and battery life, especially if you run to a bunch of meetings.

The trouble is, finding a good discrete graphics at your price range is hard. The options I'm finding are in the range of RTX 3050, which is only ok.
Got it. Let me try to simplify... I have a ton of free games on EGS and my brother has games on Steam, so we share. He has Alan Wake 2 on Steam which I want to play. I am okay with 1440/60 or even 1440/30 with Series S quality graphics I guess, preferrable with HDR. My work is not intensive but 70K is the budget I've been given.
You can consider used ones as well.

Regarding the gaming laptops, this is my trusted ranked list:
1. Lenovo Legion
2. Dell G- series

And then all others follows such as ACER, ASUS, HP and so on. Alienware is not affordable, hence out of list.

Avoid MSI, you will not get any parts for replacement, even a charger.