Please suggest Office PC around 15k


I am looking for a PC for office use, so I would prefer something that would fit well in small space, not much power consuming, capable of playing HD videos.

My main tasks would be to use Point of Sale apps, CCTV monitoring, Tv (with tuner added).

I am looking for genuine Win 7 (would buy it separately not included in 15k budget)

I have gone through one build suggested around 18k, but since it is customized for gaming and home usage I thought lets look at some other Cabinet, PSU and CPU/MB which would not require too much of space.
AMD athlon x2 245 -2600

ASUS m4alt m le- 2400

Corsair VS 2Gb DDR3 1333MHZ - 1100

500GB Seagate HDD-1900


INtex cabinet with PSU-1000

MOnitor 18.5" asus-5200

KB&M Logitech-650


get a tv tuner for 1100 bugs..

but if u want quality HD playback and good performance, go for AMD FUSION will set u back 6500 for mobo and cpu i.e.1500 more but will get you really good performance..