PLZ help!! Cannot buy pes 2011 online from konami site...


Plz help me out guys.. i have already bought 1 copy of pes 2011 (For PC) online from the konami site
but i have been trying to buy another copy for my freind but the site keeps rejecting my visa credit card!:(
does anybody know why this is happening? or do u know of any other way to buy PES 2011 in india (online link or any other way)??

thanks in advance
AH!! my bad....i forgot to mention that i need the game for PC :( ...i'll edit the OP now...any links for the pc version? sry for inconvenience's around 2k but this game is totally worth it...i have already bought it for myself and am loving it ... but when i use the same site to buy again, it just rejects my payment...dunno what's wrong with it...
m0r1d1n said:'s around 2k but this game is totally worth it...i have already bought it for myself and am loving it ... but when i use the same site to buy again, it just rejects my payment...dunno what's wrong with it...
Try the payment using Paypal.
thx guys, but still no go...i cannot raise ticket as india is not present in the country options while registering..

also, paypal payment did not work..ssame refusal message again...:(
You sure you haven't exceeded the credit limit? Anyway while making the payment in Paypal, there is an option to change Conversion Settings. Change it so that your card is charged in the foreign currency and let Visa/Mastercard handle the currency conversion.
nope...cheked with bank...still some way togo for the limit...card is ok..used the currency option in paypal where i get billed in same currency as in invoice but still same refusal msg...even used another card...still no go :(
Thx dude..i was trying to get it by download, but if that does'nt work out the i'll prob. get it delivered there is vendor in delhi who can deliver in india..thx anyways :)

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Hey guys thx a lot!! we got the game from my freinds PC, dont know what was going wrong but used paypal option from his pc and it worked :) playing online successfuly now(touchwood) :) anybody out there who plays master league online let me konmai id is monk_azarath